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Old 10-08-2006, 23:57   #17
freddie freddie is offline
Sad Little Monkey
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Muhamed certainly wasn't a mass-murderer or a rapist. He was most likely a simple shepard with a weakness for female charms and in later life a competent millitary leader and a social reformist. Furthermore there was no animosity between the Christians, Jews and Muslims originally. All three religions worship the same God and even a lot of the deities (take the arch-angel Gabriel for instance). Islam was only an upgrade (or if you want a side-step) from christianity and judaism. So Muslims left christians and jews alone for the most part - calling them "people of the book" (the old testament which islam also accepts as holy). All the animosity between the three came later (probably during the crusades) and all these modern jihad joe extremists are no more than 50 to 100 years old in practice. This modern ultra-extreme incarnation can in no way be considered "islam" anymore. It's just a bunch of thugs trying to use a religion of their choice to promote their own territorial or other goals. They're just opportunists, as simple as that. It's not like other religions haven't been hijacked in such a way in the past (christianity has a lot of nasty stains on it's resume as well).

What is tragic though is that in this day and age moderate muslims just stand by and watch how these people grotesquely twist their culture and religion into something Islam never intended to be. It's tragic how they're so pasive, mostly because they're the ones who'll end up paying the price - they'll be injustly judged and condemned in the eyes of the western public. For what? 'Cause a bunch of sociopathic phychos decided to hijack their religion and they did nothing about it?!
Remember how cases occured in the States right after 9/11 where Arab (or even Arab looking) people were attacked on streets and sometimes severely beaten? Tragic indeed.

About these latest attacks... it's chilling. Makes you wonder how many future attacks are still on the drawing board. Hundreds, maybe thousands. Some will probably never get discovered and prevented before it's too late. Just think about that the next time you board a plane or a train. On the other side though, these latest preventive actions are another good excuse for countries like US or the UK to "raise their security levels" which is just another phrase for sacrificing people's privacy in the name of security. These attacks, starting with 9/11 are striking the western civilization right in the heart of it's most powerful asset - it's freedoms and liberties. Wise words of Benjamin Franklin: "He who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserves neither."

This whole thing just makes me sad. It's all so completely stupid. :/
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

Last edited by freddie; 11-08-2006 at 01:53.
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