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Old 01-11-2006, 16:58   #8
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by freddie
Yeah but think about it though.... what would you expect them to do instead?
Oh i wasn't expecting them to do anything else, big companies are only out there to make profits, nothing else.

I think that what is happening in China is actually a welcomed reminder of what capitalism is all about. Since the fall of communism, there has been an imbalance in the way economic ideologies are perceived. For a time, capitalism has become synonymous of freedom and democracy when in fact they are not at all related.
Capitalism and the big companies which thrive on it don't care at all about freedom, human rights or simply workers rights, they don't have a problem with enforcing censorship for a totalitarian regime or helping to eliminate dissidents (Cisco for example is helping the Chinese police to track down dissidents online), and they obviously don't have a problem with exploiting quasi-slave workforce in developping countries to make even bigger profits.

The only goal of big companies is to make as much money as possible by exploiting people as much as possible, and what is happening in China as well as globalization and delocalization in general has been a vivid reminder of that to people in the west. For decades, national laws had allowed to keep capitalism in check and to protect people from abuse, but globalization has allowed big companies to roam free all over the planet and exploit people at will.
The publicity around the behavior of big companies in China is a good thing as it's fueling an healthy anti-capitalistic movement and bringing back some balance in the economic debate, more and more people are realizing that unchecked capitalism is a threat and that globalization needs to be strictly regulated so big companies won't exploit people and respect their basic rights.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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