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Old 09-10-2003, 22:39   #36
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Wigan, England
Age: 42
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Glad you are all enjoying the story still. Thanks for that last comment Parrish as you are one of my fave fanfic writers it means a lot to get such nice feedback. Cheers! Here's Chapter 9 for you all

Chapter 9 –Shorn

After a few days Lena and Yulia were back to normal laughing and joking with one another like the hostel ‘incident’ had never happened. The only difference was that because Lena had tracked Yulia down at the hostel and brought her back to the apartment she now felt wanted, she belonged somewhere; she had a home. She was growing happier and healthier by the day and it was all because of Lena.

On Saturday as planned Lena took Yulia into town for her appointment at the Salvation hair salon that had been one of the many belated birthday presents Lena had bought for her. As Lena drove her into town, Yulia felt very nervous. She desperately wanted to have her hair cut because it was a mess but at the same time she knew what expensive salons were like.

In Yulia’s experience the staff were often very snotty judging people as soon as they passed over the threshold. The thing was that her hair was in such a bad condition they were bound to look down on her and wonder how on earth a little tramp like Yulia would be able to afford to have her hair cut in such an exclusive salon. She needed to rediscover her former brazenness - no one was a match for The Volk.

Once they got into town they stood outside the salon and paused. “Right Yul are you going to be alright now? I figured I’d go and do a bit of shopping and meet you in about an hour under the church clock. Is that ok?” Lena decided she should encourage Yulia to be independent even though she would happily hold her hand if she wanted she felt Yulia needed to be pushed to come out of herself.

“Yeah cool that’d be great” Part of Yulia wanted Lena to stay with her but she knew she was being pathetic, it wasn’t like she was a baby anymore. She didn’t want Lena to feel that she was any more dependent on her than she had to be.

“I’ll see you then. Hey don’t look so nervous you’ll be fine honestly, anyone would think you were having your head chopped off not your hair!” Lena joked trying to raise a smile out of Yulia.

“Ha! Yeah, I know.” Yulia smiled briefly shrugging her shoulders. “ I’m being silly just ignore me”

“As if I could” Lena winked at her and Yulia could feel herself blush. It was only Lena, why was she acting so weird?

“Hmm, well I’ll see you in an hour then” She turned on her heel quickly not wanting Lena to notice her red face.

“Yul wait!”

Yulia stopped and turned around. “Yes”

“Here’s some money just in case,” Lena held out some money in her hand to Yulia, which she very reluctantly accepted. The sooner she could pay her own way the better she really wanted to be Lena’s equal.
“Thanks Lena”

“No probs, I’ll see you later hun” Lena winked again at Yulia. She wished she would stop flirting with her, she just felt so embarrassed.

“See ya later Lena!”

Once Len had departed Yulia looked into the salon observing several people having their hair cut by the immaculately styled hairdressers. Yulia felt so out of place as she entered the salon and walked up to the reception desk. Butterflies were now fluttering in her stomach and her throat felt dry.

“Hello, I have an appointment” Yulia tried to force a confident tone of voice but she was sure it hadn’t worked as the receptionist looked her up and down.

“What name is it please?”

“Yulia Volkova.”

“If you’d like to take a seat over there” The receptionist said beckoning towards a row of designer chairs. “Can I take your coat for you?”

“Yes please” Yulia said answered politely.

She waited several minutes until a very attractive but unquestionably gay looking man approached her where she was sat reading one of the fashion magazines she had picked up off the coffee table.

“Hi I’m Sasha, you’re with me today if you’d like to come and take a seat.” She relaxed and sat down in front of a large mirror taking a closer look at Sasha. Yup, he was definitely gay, the outlandish dress sense and the feminine intonation of his voice betraying his sexuality. Yulia was relieved, at least a gay boy wouldn’t give her too much s**t. She hoped.

“So Yulia what are we doing today?” Sasha said smiling affably at her in the mirror his blue eyes twinkling.

“Well, as you can see my hair is in quite a state erm I’d like it short but I guess it depends on how bad the condition of my hair as to how short you cut it. I dunno, what do you think?” She grimaced not really sure if she wanted to hear his opinion or not.

“Well” Sasha pulled his comb out and began examining Yulia’s hair with his brow furrowed. He hesitated before redirecting his attention to Yulia. “To be honest with you I would say the best thing to do is to cut it quite short to get the condition back in your hair. So I would say you’ll probably only have about two inches of hair left.”

“I thought as much” God, two inches wasn’t very much she thought to herself.

“But you’re a gorgeous girl you can pull it off. Trust me! Is that alright?” Sasha waved his arms around theatrically making Yulia grin to herself, he was a queen if ever there was one, a nice queen though.

“Fine, do your worst” she nodded.

“Ok! First of all I’ll take you over and wash your hair” Once Yulia had sat back and was having her hair washed she relaxed in the massage chair enjoying being pampered. After a few minutes she was led back to her chair. The cutting commenced.


Yulia watched closely as Sasha began quickly snipping off her hair. It was amazing to see the transformation occurring until she could see that most of the hair was now gone. She was a different girl. As Sasha stopped cutting he looked at Yulia in the mirror.

“Well this is about the length. How would you like me to style it?” Sasha asked gently noticing the stunned expression on her face.

“However you think” she replied numbly.

“I’m going to spike it then, that will look absolutely fabulous on you my darling” Sasha’s voice was loaded with the enthusiasm that Yulia couldn’t quite muster.

Although, she felt slightly naked without all the hair she had become accustomed to once Sasha had finishing styling her new look she actually liked what she saw in the mirror, she just hoped Lena would like it too.


Yulia was early so she stood under the church clock waiting impatiently for Lena to arrive. Would Lena recognise her? She looked so drastically different that Lena was in for a shock at the very least. Then she saw her, her red hair blowing wildly as she fought against the wind. She looked around several times for Yulia but she hadn’t noticed her at all. She had her back to Yulia so she crept up behind her and grabbed her by the waist to catch her attention. This had the result that Lena was so startled that she practically jumped out of her skin as she span round defensively to face Yulia “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re… Yulia?” Oh my god! Look at you! Oh my god!” Lena was dumbstruck her jaw virtually touching the floor.

“So you keep saying, but the question is do you like it?” Yulia raised her hands self-consciously to her hair waiting intently for Lena’s approval.

“Well..” There was a long pause as Lena stared at Yulia inspecting her thoroughly.

“I’ll take that as a no then!” Yulia hung her head in disappointment she had really wanted Lena to like the way she looked - she clearly didn’t.

“It’s not that Yul, it’s just you…it’s so short” Lena said struggling to articulate her thoughts on the new Yulia.

“I know” Yulia whispered quietly finding it hard to look Lena in the eye.

After a minute Lena was the first to speak up “You know, I think you look really cute actually”

“Cute?” Yulia was so surprised to hear Lena say something positive that she didn’t know what to say.

“I mean, aww look at your little neck” Lena reached out and touched the back of Yulia’s neck prompting a broad grin from Yulia.

“Well I am little, so I’d look pretty damn stupid with a big ol’ fat neck.” Yulia replied facetiously.

“You’re so cheeky!” Yulia poked her tongue out playfully at Lena in response. “Just ‘cause you look cute don’t think you can get away with murder.” Lena warned her in mock exasperation.

“Would I?” Yulia said with angelic look on her face.

“Yes, you would” Lena gently shoved Yulia “Seriously though Yulia, your hair really suits you short like that”

“Thanks, I like it but I suppose it will take me a while to get used to it.”

“It’ll grow on you” Lena smirked laughing at her own joke.

“Oh, very funny” Yulia rolled her eyes, trying not to giggle but in the end she couldn’t suppress a snort of laughter

“C’mon Spikey let’s go” Lena said teasingly ruffling Yulia’s hair before dragging her by the hand back to the car.
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