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Old 26-01-2005, 03:15   #18
simon simon is offline
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Posts: 401

Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grr
lPolygamy is legal in the State of Utah in the US (American posters; please correct me if I wrong here), of course a state mostly inhabited by Mormons.
I'm not an American, but I do know that polygamy is illegal in Utah. They were required to make it illegal to join the United States and the Mormon church renounced the practice. However, polygamy is still practiced by some Mormons and the state of Utah doesn't prosecute them. So it's illegal but unofficially tolerated.

Originally Posted by spyretto
As for polygamy, you're also forgetting China. It was all about male polygamy but maybe there was female polygamy sometime in the ancient matriarchal societies?
Polyandry was practiced in Tibet, but it wasn't as wonderful for the woman as it sounds. All the husbands were brothers and she had to cook and clean for all of them.

Originally Posted by Mossopp
Never mind the legal implications - I think the very idea of having more than one sexual partner at a time is disgusting. I'm beginning to wonder if the human race has lost all decency.
Why don't we all just run naked in the street, fucking random strangers?! Why don't we all revert back to living in caves and communicating via grunts and crude pictures?! Obviously emotions and relationships mean nothing anymore!
Call me old fashioned but I believe that relationships - especially a marriage - should be completely monogamous. Otherwise a) it's not a relationship cos your partner clearly doesn't give a shit about you if he/she is happily screwing other people and b) we're no better than animals if we can't control our urges.
Wow! Strong feelings, Mossopp. I don't agree, because some people manage to have successful non-monogamous relationships. A hundred years ago people said the same sort of things about divorce and remarriage or sex before marriage that you're saying now. They had the idea that sexual relationships should be lifelong and aimed at procreation. We have very different values now. Everyone nowadays openly behaves in ways that would have shocked our great-grandparents to the core. I think that monogamy may continue to be regarded as a romantic ideal, like marriage, but the social taboo against infidelity may go the way of the taboos against divorce, contraception, illegitimacy and premarital sex.
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