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Old 06-04-2009, 06:10   #51
Airheadap Airheadap is offline
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Originally Posted by Millie;382557/
WHY does everyone look back at those times with rose-colored glasses? Because they were kissing? As far as I'm concerned, this is a fantastic opportunity for the girls to finally do what they want to. No labels to suck up to, no movies for publicity... I couldn't be more excited.
You hit the nail on the head, here. While the (arguably) most popular/avant garde/influential music of tatu's carrier came during Ivan's days, do we not remember the ridiculousness of him and the buffoons who mascaraeded as a management team? They desperately bragged and/or spread rumors about the group's supposed break ups, pregnancy threats, non-lesbianism, lesbianism, vacations, political ties, any pretty much any other insignificant, unverifiable issue imaginable, just for attention, often on the official web site. At least with this new management, the group releases real news updates instead of pure gossip... although the "insider" cloak doesn't help.
I think this will be a positive step in both girls' lives. They seemed divergent ever since Ivan stopped forcing their intimacy, ~'04-'05. In all honesty, some of my favorite songs of Tatu's were recorded without the influence of a shouting Yulia. The sublime sound of Lena captivates my ears on "You," "I know (down)," "Pavaroty i Padyenya/Turning and Falling," "Divine," and "All my Love/Vsya moya Lyubov." Finally she will be able to spread her wings and take flight.

Good luck to Yulia too, en tout cas.
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