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Old 15-11-2006, 22:15   #183
haku haku is offline
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Once again the US are interfering in EU internal affairs concerning our talks with Turkey, that's another area where the new Democrat majority has changed nothing.

Funny how the US are pushing us to open our borders and give full EU citizenship to 80 million Middle-Eastern people, while on their own continent the US are in the process of building a *fence* to prevent Hispanics from entering the country (and we're not even talking of giving US citizenship to 80 million of them), it would be like us building a fence to cut Spain from Europe…
The whole thing is a clear case of 'do as i say, not as i do'.

In somewhat related news, the EU parliament is recommending a freeze of enlargement until EU institutions have been reformed. That would be a welcomed decision.
Hopefully EU leaders next month will agree with that recommendation, we should already have reformed our institutions before agreeing to the 2004 enlargement but better late than never.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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