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Old 05-07-2004, 05:28   #26
Kate Kate is offline
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russkayatatu, every book doesn't need to be mind blowing, otherwise people will go mad. Personally, I can't read books that go on and on and on and on... I like books that get to the points.

Earlier, you mentioned that you solved some of the puzzles in "The Da Vicni Code" yourself; well, so did I. The one with Isaac Newton and the apple was easy. But what do you expect from a mainstream novel? A rocket science mystery? Something that'll bore the socks off of your feet by the time you finally get to the bottom of the explanation? I doubt it, unless you have lots of free time.

I wish I could tell you what books mean to me, Kate, how much they CAN mean ... because there is so much more that is possible than what Dan Brown reaches ...
What's that supposed to mean? I probably read more books then you. I come from a very well read family, my dad practically finished reading the whole Library of the Moscow State University. Of course I read books that were deeper then "The Da Vinci Code", such as "War and Peace" by Tolstoi and other books by Russian authors you won't recognise... But is it so wrong to find a mainstream book by Dan Brown interesting? Does it make me stupid? You sound like you are proud that you didn't enjoy it.

I guess it all depends on your taste in books. I, for example, can't stand Harry Potter books. But a lot of my friends enjoy reading them, and I don't go around ruining it for them by explaining why I dislike them so much. In fact I respect J.K.Rowling, she is a very creative woman, and it's good that so many people like her books.

It's a writer's job to make people enjoy and think. Dan Brown did it, whether you like it or not. And I wish you would be a bit more respectful to Dan Brown. We'll continue this conversation after I see you write a book like "The Da Vinci Code".
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