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Old 09-04-2007, 22:25   #5
Amy_Lee_Rocks Amy_Lee_Rocks is offline
Fear is only in our minds
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Queen, and Winkie you both are right
And QueenBee you right about spanish being different in
several countries.

Yo quiero sabritas- I want chips
Yo quiero una naranja- I want an orange
Me gustan las muchachas- I like girls
Me gustan las mujeres- I like women
Me gustan los muchachos- I like boys
Me gustan los hombres- I like men
Este foro es divertido- This forum is fun
Me asustaste cabron!- You scared me .....!
Mira estupido no me andes hablando asi baboso- Look stupid dont be talking to me like that

You know, the bad words in spanish sound more insultive than the english badwords.
Badwords in spanish like cabron and baboso dont have translation in english, there are many more lol

Anyone want me to translate something?
Cause you're my rock star in between the set
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