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Old 19-05-2004, 07:21   #46
Bitty2002 Bitty2002 is offline
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Spyretto - I's just...I dunno, it hurts. It's like having a brother that has done bad things and because of that everyone hates him. I can understand people being upset, but I can't help but feel sad and helpless. Because like a brother, I love my country and it scares and hurts me to think so many people hate it. But it has done hurtful things, but damn it, so have all the other brothers, lol. I don't like people picking on my brother, And I really don't like how arrogant and holier than thou some people can sound, as if their country is perfect. I just don't think people realize how hurtful the things they say can be. They are angry and they want to hate, but all that hatred does is breed more hatred and violence. That scares me.

But I agree, terrorism in all its forms, whether under the mask of religion, nationality, or pride, needs to stop. Hatred needs to stop. And the first step isn't to hate the US. It isn't the root of all evil, that evil lies in man, no matter where he lives. About the generalizations...that is what is scary. People DO generalize and they often believe in those generalizations, and that leads to prejudice and a universal hatred of all that generalization entails. I am not saying anyone on here is like that, but that is was generalizations spawn. But, unforetunately, I know that generalizations cannot be avoided.

Dent - I never said Arabs liked to be generalized. I do not hold the opinion that all Arabs are evil. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that most Americans do not have this view. That is the point. However miguided it may be, most of those in support of the war believe that there are evil people in power over there, oppressing those Arabs who are not. If we believed they were all evil, it wouldn't be an attempt to reorganize the government, but to exterminate. Perhaps that is what you believe my governement is doing, and perhaps they are, but that isn't what, in my opinion, most Americans view as the motive. Like I said, maybe we are being lied to. Maybe we are being fed false propaganda, telling us all how much good we are doing over there, helping the Arabs who are being oppressed by evil.

I am sorry your visit here was not pleasant. But I have always heard different opinions. Maybe you just had bad luck? Maybe where you chose to go was a nest of a political leaning you did not agree with, say you are liberal and you visited a very conservative place, visa versa. Or, don't take this the wrong way, because I do not know you or how you act or your personality, but...could it maybe be because you are slightly abrupt or in your face? Maybe, for whatever reason, your personality specifically just didn't sit well with the majority of people you met here. Or I guess we are all assholes. *shrugs*

transcend - Yes, I am still around. There isn't much to post about...but this really got my girlfriend worked up. She was so emotional and couldn't reply. So I read and it pained me to read what people were saying too. I had to reply. And believe me, I know not everyone hates US. It is just all I hear about on the news anymore, about how much people hate the US and how even everyone living here hates Bush and his policies. But who could know that 9/11 would happen and that he would charge off to war? Life sucks sometimes, but hatred doesn't solve anything, right?

Khartoun2004 - I was also shocked and infuriated by the prisoners treatment. I think most people are. I respect and support our military, because they put themselves in danger for our sake...BUT, I don't think the military is the best place. It breeds mob mentality, aggression and removes the fear of punishment. Sick passions seem to come out of soldiers when they are all grouped together or in war sometimes. Hell, what irritates me is that, some people who are SUPPOSED to go to jail are instead kept out of jail by joining the military! Such is the case with my cousin. He's a ocmplete jackass who totally deserves to be in jail, but the judge gave him a deal and now he is in the Navy. I don't even want to think of the atrocities he may be doing there. Grrr.

LenochkaO - Don't worry, as long as people say things objectively, with careful words, where they are just stating opinions on specific policies they dislike, that is fine. It is when people step so far as to wish an entire people to be banished from earth that I have a problem.
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