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Old 20-03-2003, 05:23   #15
goku goku is offline
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OK, before I start some of my views may be extreme to some people, and no offense is meant to anyone, nor do I wish harm on anyone...

I think no one is looking at the large picture. I mean, the REALLY large picture.. Like our planet's crisis.
Already over-populated, our world is headed towards certain doom. All natural resources will be soaked up at lightning speed. There will be an estimated more than 20 billion people on the planet in 75 years.

So, is the lost of lives good? Of course not, but it will do a little something. Now, on a few thousand lives aren't going to affect much, but large scale world war might..

Now for sure Nukes are a terrible thing. Scientists predict a nuclear winter as a result of one, and if a couple nukes are blown up the whole world is doomed. It will freeze over and humans will be eradicated from Earth.

So what I'm getting at is I have no opinion on the war. I do not care about innocents or guilty dying, from either side. Most people, deep deep down, probably feel the same. It is our animal instinct to only care about our own strain, making sure that at least our family lives and reproduces. Maybe a guilty pleasure to other's misfortune.. Now I am not a sadist and I'm certainly not saying any of you are..

In nature, there is a natural balance of population. The population rises, gets higher, then falls down far and slowly rebuilds. Humans have just kept rising. Soon enough there is bound to be fights for space, food, resources, etc.. Each person will scratch and bite just to survive. Peace will not be possible, with the mass chaos of it all. Think about people fleeing from a burning building. 9 out of 10 people would trample, kick, push down others so they could get out.

So, like I said before, I have no opinion on the war.

Well, I thank you for hearing me out. Love me or hate me, this is what I think...
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