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Old 19-11-2004, 23:15   #16
Mossopp Mossopp is offline
a kind of fresh madness
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Can I please ask the numerous Eminem fans on this forum exactly what it is that makes you so sure that he's joking when he makes his 'insightful' comments on the gay community?
Take these lines from 'Criminal' for example:

"My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge
that'll stab you in the head
whether you're a fag or lez
or the homosex, hermaph or a trans-a-ves
Pants or dress - hate fags? The answer's 'yes'"

What the hell is funny about that? What point is he making about today's society with that cheerful little ditty? To me, those are the words of a bitter, hateful, screwed-up little man.
Freddie suggested that Eminem is really just trying to point out how ridiculous and irrational the views of real homophobes are. But does Em end this 'song' by saying "Hey kids, this is all bullshit, don't subscribe to this school of thought! We should all just learn to get along!"?. No, I don't believe he does. In fact, he then goes on to another song about torturing and killing his ex-wife (and there was no disclaimer at the end of that track either!). Therefor, what makes you so sure that those lines aren't his own personal beliefs? Just because he says he's not homophobic doesn't mean he's telling the truth. He'd say and do anything to get the liberal media off his case - his duet with Elton-f#cking-John was proof of that!
Remember, we're talking about a man who has his ex's name tattooed on his body with the words "rot in pieces" written next to it. We're not discussing a rational, liberal, open-minded person here.
Do they even cure you...
or is it just to humour us before we die?
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