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Old 21-03-2009, 04:54   #58
dradeel dradeel is offline
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“Actually I’m really going to start a solo career, but I’m not leaving t.A.T.u.! I can’t even imagine where are these rumors coming from.”
I'm glad that Yulia starts a solo career. I hope Lena does the same... cause t.A.T.u. obviously don't take up much of their time. They have the potential to make twice as much music and play much more live and be more productive and happy doing so. I love t.A.T.u. and of course I'm egoistic and want the band to stay together, but it won't last forever ... and even if it did there is room for both solo careers and a band, easily, and they'll probably enjoy t.A.T.u. more if they can also do their own stuff.

That's my two cents anyways. And I agree with Talyubittu on the statement that Yulia will be just another "american clone". What is an american clone when there is so much different music made in america? It's without a doubt the biggest and most diverse music market in the world, after all... I guess I understand what is ment by it, and I fear somewhat the same, but I'm just not quite sure about the phrasing.

“Could you please tell me who Lady GaGa is?”
Hahaha. I love Yulia
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