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Old 11-11-2008, 21:24   #205
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
You obviously didn't understand what I said. Bush did nothing to better America, and has been the ruination of this country. THAT is why he is an idiot. I do find him highly unintelligent on many subjects, but that's another tangent. Focusing on your last paragraph (which I didn't quote) - Bush will go down as an idiot because of the poor choices he made. The fact that he's educated has nothing to do with it.
All I'm saying is that calling him an idiot or unintelligent isn't very accurate or right. However, you can call him a jerk and an asshole, perhaps even insane, and you'd be quite correct.

As I said; calling Bush unintelligent because of his policies is like saying Hitler was the biggest retarded idiot of an unintelligent being that has ever set foot on this earth, yet people have no problem agreeing that the guy was clever, smart and highly intelligent, possibly so to an insane degree ... it's in my opinion this intelligence that has made him able to do such straight out evil and unfair actions.
Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
Right, becuase the appropriate thing to do IS to postpone and make matters worse for the American economy. It's obvious you don't live in the U.S. because NOTHING is "smooth' and "running" unless you're a millionaire.
Nono, I didn't say it's the appropriate thing to do. Quite the contrary - it's irresponsible and foolish. There IS a crisis at the moment, yes, and Bush's policies have only made it worse, of course... but know that it's amazing that such insane politics haven't run USA into a inflation-like situation like post 1929 germany or something. Bush has been very good at "selling" america and the dollar and by such been able to spend wildly yet not commit murder to america, if I could use that term... it's only mild torture atm. This is what I mean with "pretty smooth and running" --- you're supposed to take the whole situation into consideration of what it could've been, and it could've been much worse... (actually, it might still get even more worse, and it won't get better for still some years. Also know that when America bleeds the world is suffering. Naturally since it's without comparison the biggest market in the world! I don't have to live in America to suffer from your economic problems.)

This is why I'm saying Bush and people in Bush's administration are smart. Highly irresponsible and deluded from what is a good way to run a country, yes, but they've been able to act so insanely because they've been clever about it.

But again lemme emphasize that I do not support Bush in any way by saying this. I'm not coming to his defence. I just think it's kinda 'missing the point' by calling the guy stupid and unintelligent.
Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
Smart people can make stupid decisions - and he has made his fair share again and again - and again.
Depends on what they want. If Bush gets what he wants, and doing it will cost him a lotta popularity and many people will suffer, then I'd call him clever for being able to pull it off, but a huge fucking jerk from my point of political view. Just like how Hitler came to power, and became both "prime minister" and President thus proclaiming himself as der Führer, and manipulated a whole nation and several neighbour countries into starting the biggest war in history, was a remarkably clever feat, but still the worst thing that could happen to mankind.

You know, I'm quite certain we agree on Bush, but I might just be a tad too picky about the choice of words that people make. So yeah, please forgive me for doing so
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