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Old 14-10-2006, 16:37   #108
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by Rachel
You're thinking too short-term.
No, I'm not. The chance for a war to break out in Norway is minimal, and if it'll break out It'll happen far away from here before reaching norwegian soil, so we can take safety messures if so were to be the problem. The chance for a terror attack is much more likely to hit bigger countries, + if we were to live in fear of some possible terror attack all the time I think the terrorists have already won. We don't have big natural disasters as earthquakes in Norway because of the location of the country, we don't have major floods and tidal waves and stuff because of how the whole country is build up by mountains, and a soil that can get rid of large amounts of water very effective, because it rains alot up here. We have the technology to make the safest and most modern type of nuclear power plants which doesn't go up in a boom, we are already storing nuclear waste at top security, we have the money and last, but not least; we acctually have the need..! Poor people are suffering 'cause of the huge electricity prices in Norway!

What is short term about any of this..? -- Building another water plant, a houndred windmills and whatnot, is what I'd call short term. We'll only cover a small percentage of our need at the time, so we have to keep building and building, repairing and repairing, destroying more and more waterfalls, destroy more and more areas because of windmills (we can't build windmills everywhere because of too little wind or too much wind. Conditions must be perfect, therefor we'd have to fill up perfect areas with the windmills and permenantly destroy living conditions for the local inhabitants). That's not acceptable imo. THAT'S what I call short term. Why not make nuclear power plants that give us a big surplus of electricity, and at the same time use the same amount of money - if not a bigger amount - to research other alternatives or make nuclear power even safer than the ultra safe plants we are able to build today...

Would you rather that everybody closed down all their nuclear power plants at once and spend a hell alotta money to find a better alternative to build instead?
Originally Posted by Rachel
N Korea 'nuclear test'
:/ It's a pity they are doing these things. If it's actually true tho. It could be fake, aye? Hmm... either way, they are pushing limits not necessary to push.
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