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Old 02-06-2006, 20:45   #14
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
Paedophilia and homosexuality shouldn't be compared, IMHO. Laws to illegalize homosexuality were based on some puritanical bullshit deeming both it and paedophilia as perverted. Homosexuality deals with two consenting adults, not so with paedophilia. As spyretto said, it comes down to what age should consent be recognized. You can't just lower it to appease paedophiles because the legal ramifications would be massive.
I didn't compare it like that. I was more talking about the fact that if someone say they are pedo they will be treated like mental patients, without doing a single thing. I never implied that they should have the same rights for living out their sexuality like hetero or homosexual people - since, as you say, is adult to adult. Pedophelia wouldn't work as children are innocent and can't be responsible for their actions, plus they can be brainwashed and talked into doing alot of stuff in the easiests of ways. I would never agree with lowering the legal sex age to a minimum as this Dutch Party wishes to. I actually said in the end that I disagreed with them and that they are too extreme. All I'm saying is that society treat them unfairly... NOT by stopping them from having themselves with kids, but how society handles the person for actually being what he/she is. I support the fight against child pornography, I support heavy penalties for rapists, but I also want the well being for everybody, even the "worst".
It's kinda hard for me to explain in english, but anyways ... heh.
Originally Posted by PowerPuff Grrl
The rampant misogyny featured in most porn is appalling. Women are treated as just orifices for guys to fuck. Rarely do you ever see a woman come in any of them, instead the porn ends when the guy comes. And he usually comes on the face of the woman which is unbelieveably demeaning. If there ever is a porn that does feature a woman coming then it is treated as some freak show thing, usually when the woman ejaculates.
And that is just porn from the States, nothing compared to the misogyny in Hentai (Japanese animated porn).
Heh. I don't wanna seem like a sleazy pornofreak here, but there are enough pornovids where women come. It's a fact that many women enjoys blowing men and it's a fact that many women enjoy the taste of sperm. I'm NOT saying this goes for everyone. Far from it, but still, the porno industry is filled with people who work with this all the time. They are professional fuckers, literally In societies for different extremeties common things are looked upon as boring, and they search for new ways to enjoy themselves. Be it porn, music or art...

And I'd also like to say that the soft core part of the porno industry is bigger than the hard core part of it (as soft core includes most of the porno magazines, soft core movies, pin ups and what not -- where hard core simply doesn't fit in or isn't allowed). Soft core is by some looked upon as something beautiful, and hard core often shows some of the more things that aren't so pretty perhaps. There are something for every taste, for sure. And saying the whole industry is filled with the thought that women are items for men to use sexually isn't really fair. They have all chosen this line of work, and I don't think anyone is more of an item than others. What about all the gay porn out there? Lesbian-porn is a big business. Bigger than man-on-man at least. No men using women there... and again, women can have the dominating roles in movies. Most often they do ... if that's just the director feeding them lines (most probably it is) - who knows. Doubt anyone in here knows if it is or not.

(Heh, I wasn't sure where to stop, as I just started ranting on. Sorry. I might have gone tooooo off topic here )

Freddie: : There... a seperate thread for you pervs! (just kidding. )
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Last edited by freddie; 02-06-2006 at 21:25.
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