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Old 04-09-2005, 22:21   #60
Bitty2002 Bitty2002 is offline
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This shouldn’t be about politics, because we are talking about human lives and suffering in the face of a natural disaster…but by your statement, you brought politics into this and I will reply in kind.

Originally Posted by Ice_Cream
What have I said that's been any difference to anyone else?!
You get back what you give to the world. And seeing as all America has ever given is pollution and death to other countries, maybe they should experience it first hand for once.
If you can't see where the above quote isn't hateful...then you have issues. You get back what you give? That we SHOULD experience this? You are basically saying that the tragedy that occurred should have occurred. Maybe you really believe this, maybe you really do think people should die because you disagree with US policy. I don't and can't.

Does the G8 ring any bells?!! Your leader does not give a FUCKING SHIT about what damage pollution is doing to the world!! He only cares that immoral business men are getting a few extra bucks!!!
I'm sorry, Ice Cream, but the whole world is run by the almighty dollar, euro, yen, etc. I don't know where you have been living to think that man acts out of the greatness of his heart and love of nature. Man is selfish and self-serving. And I love how you say that our leader doesn't give a shit as your basis for condemning the entire country. You do realize that most people think that the elections were tampered? That Bush is not the most popular person in this country. The hate for him here is tangible.

Which country was in charge of going to Iraq?! The only reason we were that was because our prime minister is so far up George Bush's slimy ass so we didn't have a choice.
I would say that is fairly corrupt then. So the only reason you are there is because of your leader? I could say the same, why can't you see that? Because our leader has his head shoved so far up his own slimy ass.

because the majority of them are dumb enough to believe the propaganda and hysteria George Bush shits out of his mouth.
At this point, I don't agree with that. In the beginning, people were more inclined to support the president, because our country is build on high ideals of liberty. People wanted to believe and have faith in their leader. But don't say that the majority of people support Bush. And you know, people make mistakes. As you said, they are misled by propaganda. Now it is too late, we are over there, and now need to clean up our mess. So, I'm sorry, Ice_Cream. I am sorry my countries leaders decided to go into a war that was uninvited without giving us the details. I am sorry that many Americans had faith in our president upholding our high ideals. I'm sorry we let you down. But those people suffering in New Orleans have NOTHING to do with your hatred towards Bush and the people who supported Bush. You realize 80%+ people down there are black and most blacks are democrats, thus NOT Bush supporters. That most of these people are in poverty, which means they are not the big white man who, as you say, only "cares that immoral business and getting a few extra bucks." These people represent nothing that you hate, if anything, they represent everything your supposedly humane self should pity and protect.

Yeah, but at least some countries try!
For you to even attempt to say that the US doesn't try is ridiculous. So our leader doesn’t care enough for your taste. He is one man in a high position of power. He does not represent the feeling of America. Environment has always been a high ideal of American citizens, something we have worked very hard to balance with our capitalistic nature. Yeah it sucks that we are capitalistic money hungry bastards. But don't tell me your country isn't or that we are more deserving of tragedy because of it.

"Washington -- On the eve of the Group of Eight (G8) Summit, where Africa is slated to be a major focus, President Bush has reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to partner with African countries to respond to their economic, political and health challenges. He also announced three new initiatives to be presented at the summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, that are designed to help eradicate poverty in Africa through broader education, enhanced justice for women and a more robust fight against the continent’s leading killer, malaria."

You know around my town there is a recycling bin on every corner? One for paper, one for plastic, one for glass, one for cardboard, etc. etc. You know we enforce emissions testing? My school’s focus is environmental law.
Just to list a few: National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA); Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act; The Clean Air Act (CAA); The Clean Water Act; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act; The Emergency Planning & Community Right-To-Know Act; The Endangered Species Act; Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act; Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; The Oil Pollution Act of 1990; The Pollution Prevention Act; The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; The Safe Drinking Water Act; The Toxic Substances Control Act; 1965 Shoreline Erosion Protection Act; 1972 Coastal Zone Management Act; 1972 Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act.

I could go on and on, the list is a mile long and those are only federal level statutes. We aren’t even talking about state level laws (which are in the millions) and international programs we are a part of. You only list G8, please support your side more. You see, I only have the burden of showing we “at least try”, you have the burden of proving we don’t try, which is impossible, because it is clear from above, we do.

So from the one event at Live 8, you can glean that all Americans are stupid bastards who only care about themselves… Are you blind, do you simply only see what you want to see? We are often times the first to respond with aid to foreign countries. Our country comes together and raises money and support and gathers people to go over to other countries ALL THE FUCKING TIME. We have USAID, American Red Cross, god, the list goes on and on. I can’t believe you can sit yourself up so high and think that maybe this country should feel what it feels like to suffer when you live in England…the Imperial king of the world. So you aren’t top dog now, where do you think the US got its ideology from?

I propose for Americans to become more humane, coz until the majority of them do I'm certainly not putting my hand in my pocket for some ignorant Americans that thought nothing could beat them so they sat on their fat asses and didn't move. Nothing but stupidity!!!
I think what is so ironic is that you’ve just exposed yourself as being the most inhumane one here. I find the pot is calling the kettle black. Show me some humanity before condemning those poor people down in NO to pay for the injustices the world has suffered under Bush. I propose you become more humane.

And we aren’t asking for your money. Never have been. I don’t expect you to even show your emotional support. However, you crossed the line of decency and humanity when you said that maybe this should have happened. That the ONLY thing (which is an grievously overstated remark) we give to the world is death and pollution, there by implying that because we bring those negatives we somehow deserve our suffering. I argue back saying that EVERYONE brings death and pollution, thus, should no one ever be helped. Would that be a better, more humane world? I think not.

If you think I seriously said that there's no point even replying to you because you are twisting my fucking words!
But you still felt the need to reply. And I don't think any twisting happened. I think the implication of your words was pretty clear. If that wasn't your intention to be callous and heartless and inhumane, then maybe you need to think before you speak. That is all I was saying.

I don't give a shit what you think!!
I know, and that is what is so sad. (Edited because it undermines my philosophy, *sigh*) You’ve exposed yourself as being everything that you hate.

Last edited by Bitty2002; 05-09-2005 at 00:37.
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