Thread: Climate change
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Old 06-11-2006, 22:49   #20
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Originally Posted by forre
How would you stop environmental changes? Scientists are split as a matter of fact. There's a group that think that the greenhouse effect protects the planet from solar activities and another group thinks that it destroys the balance on the planet. What am I trying to say is that studies don't seem to be complete to me, thus I personally can't do anything. Then, no one lives for ever.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying this is the end of the world and we're all going to die, i'm not a doomsday preacher.

The planet has known very warm periods in the past, not during human times but millions of years ago when reptiles dominated the planet, so life as a whole will go on. As for humans, we managed to survive during the last glacial age, when it was so cold that there were glaciers in southern France and oceans were so low that it was possible to cross the Channel on foot, so i'm guessing we can survive to an oppositely extreme climate.

I definitely not think that we need to panic, mainly because there's nothing we can do. Personally i think it's too late to do anything, the climate change is already engaged, threshholds have been crossed… Greenland, Arctic, Antartic, Siberia, Canada, the ice and permafrost are melting fast everywhere, and it's not by reducing our emissions by 10% or whatever that we're going to stop such a massive phenomenon.
Plus the biggest polluters on the planet (US, China, India) refuse to do anything about it, so what's being done by a few other countries is meaningless.

That being said, i think it's important to prepare for the change instead of just wait for it (or even try to stop it which seems impossible).
Oceans are going to rise, 5 to 10m probably, maybe more, we can prepare for that, we can progressively move populations out of low areas.
A good part of Africa is going to become uninhabitable, again we need to move populations.
Many vegetal and animal species will die out, including species that we use for food, we need to adapt and select species that will resist to a much warmer climate.
And while Africa will die for the most part, Canada and Siberia will become much warmer and inhabitable, very large and almost empty lands where hundreds of millions of people will be able to live.
The key is to prepare instead of just wait for it to happen.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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