Thread: Any fans left?
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Old 18-12-2003, 21:19   #83
shizzo shizzo is offline
dirty white boy
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Age: 39
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I guess when reality strikes us we all fall down the black hole.
Reality is often not as nice as what illusions we can build in its
place. The idea of t.A.T.u. being in love could have been real,
or it could have been just an illusion - now, it seems that it
was just a ploy in marketing. It's understandable to regret the
times when the illusion was more real to a person than when
it's exposed as a fraud.

And there are fans who like t.A.T.u. for their music, some who
enjoy it 'cos it was one of the first lesbian mainstream duos,
some who appreciate the first but are more influenced by the
second. So many possibilities can be drawn out from this, and
not everyone knows each motive for each action, each reason
behind each opinion. A person might enjoy the music more
than the image, but the image might have a more evident
effect on certain fans than the songs. Another case of there
being different reactions for different people - nothing more,
nothing less. It has to be expected that variation occur, and
this case is no exception.
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