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Old 01-12-2003, 22:10   #49
haku haku is offline
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Two extremely powerful chapters. That was emotionally draining, it took me some time before i was able to post.

The scene in Lena's room is so moving. The trust that Yulia shows in Lena by closing her eyes. The gifts that symbolize the lost time and that Lena never gave up on Yulia. The revelation that the link with Lena kept Yulia sane and prevented her from killing herself. So much emotions in there, i couldn't help but cry reading that.

"what all daddies do"... sick bastard. That flashback scene was so painful to read, but so necessary. We had to listen to what Yulia had to say. I was identifying with Lena during that scene, listening, loving, and understanding a friend that has been through hell. Friends can't erase what happened, but they can at least do that.

The parents. I don't think any parents would handle that kind of situation well. Parents just want things to go back to normal as soon as possible, hence the pointless remark about her hair color. They want to believe that just because the child is back home, everything is going to be fine again. They want to believe that the child is going to simply forget everything that has happened in between and resume her life where she left it, even if it was years ago.
Parents should be able to listen, but they can't, they don't want to hear about what happened. That reaction comes from their own guilt. Parents are supposed to protect their children. Hearing their child talk about the abuse she's been put trough is in their eyes a reminder that they failed. The child doesn't intend to put the blame on her parents (Most children don't even put the blame on the abuser! Only on themselves!) but that's how parents sees it, and anger burst on both sides.
Besides, Yulia's parents had apparently come to the conclusion that she was dead, which add to their guilt. They're feeling guilty for giving up on her when in fact she was still alive and fighting to survive.

Friends don't have that "duty" to protect which makes them more suited to help. They can offer love, help, understanding, comfort, without feeling that they failed, and Lena is certainly doing that.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 01-12-2003 at 22:22.
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