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Old 06-08-2003, 20:41   #32
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
The Dream is Over, :~(
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Originally posted by Mossopp
'Fight Club' is one of my all-time favourite movies............but when you describe it like that my perspective on the film kinda changes.
I think you misintrepreted it though. I don't think it's necessarily about men just wanting to act like savages and beat the sh*t out of things. I see it as being about people who are at the end of their rope and can't take much more of the souless existance that society has saddled them with.
I thought I misinterpreted too until I thought of some other films that best portrayed people sick of conformity; Easy Rider and especially Office Space. In the latter movie, the reasons as to why the protagonist goes against his company are things I can certainly relate to. Whereas in Fight Club the only reason why I think Pitt's character goes against the establishment, was because he didn't get all the things he thought he was entitled to. Which is pretty much all of us, but we don't complain now do we? So that pretty much makes me think he is just self-entitled cry-baby that needs a good smack of reality.

And I still think the fights were stupid.
Damnit! I just hate this movie.

But, of course, all that is just my humble opinion.

In other news:

Gigli was horrid. 'Turkey time! Gobble, gobble!'
I heard this quote so many times monkcheese and yet I still don't want to know under what context it was used for.
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