Thread: Gay High School
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Old 01-08-2003, 22:26   #58
PowerPuff Grrl PowerPuff Grrl is offline
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Originally posted by darje
Admit it: latinos and black people are not in the same kind of segregation gay people are. For god's aches, latin-segregated people are the MOST VIOLENT people I have EVER met (and suddenly I remember that I am latin myself). Black people face, day by day, even less segregation: to hit a black student in a school is like you hit any other student, black or white, penalized with temporal expulsion or something of the matter. But in a shitload of states, to hit a gay student is a rightful way to "straighten" him up. The segregation is NOT the same, not the same case, not the same kind. This is against romantic interests, not racial matters!
What you are seeing now was the end product of years of forced integration during the 50s and 60s. In that time, many African-American students had to endured acts of hatred, but if it wasn't for that we wouldn't be able to have the diversity in schools and and workplaces we have now.

The question is this, really:
Would you rather have segregation now for GLBTs and have them live easy lives in schools and such while living in a world that actively discriminates homosexuals?


Would you rather fight for equal rights while enduring gruelling acts of homophobia for x amount of years but have it end up in the world learning to tolerate homosexuality?
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