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Old 06-07-2003, 15:41   #72
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 4,990

my name: ha also underneath. But you know, my real name, as given to me by my parents in Bulgarian is spelled like this in Cyrillic: Христина but since litteraly translited into Latin alphabet it would look like this: Hristina (for the pronanciation - try a real Slavic, rolled 'R' after pronauncing the 'H' as in 'Hui')- well, picture someone eanglish speaking/non bulgarian trying to say that They simply cant. So, for that reason, in English it is spelled simply Christina.

My nick - heh what can I say - I am as cool as fcuk. ha ha, actually - right about the time I was registering I had bough a bunch of French Connection T-shirts - and one of them said 'Cool As Fcuk' So, I got a nick name. Not to mention it fit just perfectly - since Tatu got those t's also -
oh... o!
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