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Old 28-12-2011, 11:06   #251
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Originally Posted by thelastblossom View Post
I think you two are both talking about different things and using different criteria to judge music. What RowerB is trying to say is that he likes it, therefore it is good (to him). You cannot argue on that because there is no objective. But of course, techniqually (in the eyes of music literature and most music lovers) Yulia IS a crappy singer and even britney spears fans can hear that Yulia is a bad singer.

offtopic: Tarja Turunen's solo work is great too I believe, not the christmas CD but the winter storm album... very spheric and full of emotions
I totally agree, musical tastes are the most diverse and subjective you can find between people because they connect directly to the human psyche.
To make things even clearer in the above example I would add that I don't like Tarja Turunen and I don't like Nightwish at all. I know she's no longer with them but it's still the same to me. Metal is metal, and opera is opera, you cannot mix operatic/symphonic style with it unless you do it creatively, not routinely.
It was an experiment done in the early 90's, who would have thought it'd create a whole embarrassing genre based on it. On the other hand what sells is good, so If people are buying it then I suppose it is good, just not for me.
But if Turunen was so good why did she have to join Nightwish and not pursue a proper career in her respective genre? Perhaps because she'd earn more money?

Back to the Lena/Julia discussion. Lets listen to something of proper quality from Julia first and there might be no need to compare them after all, just enjoy the music.
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