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Old 11-11-2011, 21:27   #101
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
It's not the arguments, it's the aggressive way and direct insults, which I don't like. You had definitely better days on this board!

So far the whole project was really disappointing for me too. Children and private duties can not always be brought up as reasons/excuses for a not convincing career start (which already takes several years). On the creative side I don't see anything special, even a tendency towards cheap and simple mimicry of already uninteresting 'work' from the past of pop music, with no intention to give it a deeper sense or even give it some personal note, which currently is completely missing. Yulya seems to be a hopeless case. I'm not even sure if she understands what an artist has to do to attract an audience.

And my use of the word "lunacy" (which is the only "insult" I can spot) is meant to be applied to the entire project, not specifically Greg. I do apologize if it appears that way. My issue is with the project, not any specific person. And Greg, not reading something and being called lazy for that specifically has nothing to do with this discussion. If you're going to have a discussion and conclude with "well I'm not going to read all of that" - then yes, that is laziness. It has nothing to do with your being disabled or anything else irrelevant you're bringing into this out of context.

But, telling me to fuck off and calling me a 20 something under impressed whatever else you've decided to say because I've insulted is once again - such a great display of your professionalism! Not. And in case you failed to notice, very few others are impressed as well. It's not a personal problem. I've heard you're disabled multiple times throughout the years and it has nothing to do with you or your ability to communicate, nor does it have anything to do with this discussion - as you brought the matter up. Nowhere did I imply you're lazy because you're disabled. It doesn't seem to stop you from jumping state to state to go to t.A.T.u. fan parties/photoshoots, so drop that irrelevant topic - especially since you brought it up once again without any relevance.

Last edited by Talyubittu; 11-11-2011 at 21:39.
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