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Old 16-05-2011, 08:41   #103
spyretto spyretto is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
When it comes to vocal abilities then I wouldn't be proud of Blue. They were weak too, especially in the first half of the song, Lee is the name of the main destroyer, I guess.
They were bad for about the first 30-45 seconds, they were really good afterwards. When I heard Lee the first time I thought his singing would be problematic as he's doing the leading vocals on this one and he's had problems hitting the high notes live. He actually did ok at the end.
Apparently they lost the jury voting altogether, I heard from a friend who was in the rehearsals that their dress rehearsal was a disaster, probably they didn't realise how important that would be in the order of things, possibly due to complete ignorance, unfamiliarity at how things work in a karaoke competition, they'd probably think that 2 minutes of good singing can make it up for 2 days of just warming up their voices
Pretty much what happened to Tatu, I guess.
Done by the juries, I think Blue would be in the top 5 if the jury wasn't involved and they had time to work on their performance. Not to mention the song went virtually unpromoted in Europe. Of course Top 5 is not even close to winning. It's not just the song, it's a whole mixture of things.

The most embarrassing thing was losing to Jedward, of course. I'm not a fan of Blue in any shape or form, I just think that as professionals they should have made a better job amidst all the amateurs.

Then again the hapless Azerbaijani winning performance...damn , that sucked
Something taken out of Stocholm's archives of B lists , I guess.
Drip Drop was a masterpiece compared to that crap.

Please punch me in the face if that song becomes a hit anywhere in Europe except for the former Soviet Asian republic of Azerbaijan. The 90's are over, children.
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