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Old 19-02-2011, 11:00   #792
Argos Argos is offline
Martian Eyes
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Originally Posted by spyretto View Post
Don't tamper with your body or face until you reach at least 50, that is my advice...and you can look at Volkova for the result.
Looking around in the showbiz I get the impression that the beauty surgeons get their money exclusively from people who absolutely don't need the modifications. If you mess around with a face which hardly can be 'improved', the result can only be botched up.

Originally Posted by convol View Post
Why she's aiming for unoriginality and trying to be yet another American pop starlet soundwise is beyond me.
It clearly shows that some (very) low profile brainie in LA makes all the 'artistical' work for her (Da Junkie, I guess). No wonder, if your whole life is filled with men with money, children, parties and even religion, then there is no room for occupying oneself with things that really matter in the music business. Obviously she is pulling the Lazarev, who was once good, but then let everything do by uninspired American lame ducks (with the result that he wasn't even among the 100 most airplayed artists in Russia 2010).

It took me half a dozen songs to realize the Katina project to be a failure, for Volkova it became much easier. Not even one complete and properly finished song is enough - useless from head to toe.