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Old 22-07-2010, 23:55   #869
thelastblossom thelastblossom is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 115

if lena was being polite and decent for the sake of fitting in the moral and fitting in the norms of a disneystar, then yes. but if it is her inner nature to deal with this calmly and respect >HER OWN< vision, her approach would be good i think. to me it is very immature to tell shut up volkova since it is done in a public way (not because it would be against the disney norm but because of the influence her words would have on volkova and the world). deal with those problems privately as it should be and stay true to her nature. imo she shouldnt let any factors influence her attitude and opinion besides her inner ones. If she would tell volkova to shut up it would only show her weakness to me. there is a difference between having a provocating statement and being rude plus doing unthoughtfull things.

about the yulia voice; for each their own but to me. she really has a horrible voice AND vocal skills. lena also doesnt have the best but to me at least is decent and less strained.
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