Thread: Coffee
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Old 01-11-2008, 01:51   #31
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
Don't know what's the point of your argument, Chris and Tim, but... as a matter of fact, whenever an Anglo-Saxon tries his luck on making coffee he just desecrates the bean.
ask mr barista man with the cappuccino specialty what the point it

and if we understand the term Anglo-Saxon as being used to describe english speaking nations in regards to coffee... then YES, that's exactly what i am saying...

and lastly ... for the barista 'master': GOOD espresso AND cappuccino for that matter depends on firstly GOOD BEANS - MOST usa cafes simply do NOT use good espresso beans (im afraid you will only learn that if you go to europe for example); second on the ability of the barista to pull shots - and i am sorry to say, but in the usa, there are MORE than PLENTY that do not know what that means.... usually the high school kid who's making coffee looks like a cow in a porcelain shop when you ask him/her to pull a long or short shot ... thirdly, it depends on what water you are using for example... also, for cappuccino it depends on what milk you are using... well, most cafes here use the NASTY, hormone filled, white liquid called by some milk LOL

oh yeah, the tiny lil cups you're talking about... well, those you get when you order espresso... maybe sometimes macchiato, those arent for cappuccinos.... and frankly 1 part espresso 10 parts milk does NOT = cappuccino... not even latte .. i mean... if that person is drinking cappuccino, cause it's possible, what's the ratio of espresso to milk do you think?!?!?
oh... o!
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