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Old 23-04-2007, 20:30   #15
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post

Cool: i know you work here and don't speak english primarily. Would you mind PM'ing me telling me a little about your native language and how you came to work here?
I am not sure what you mean - i speak English primarily now, i live in the USA ... I ended up here by chance 10 years ago when my dad came to do lectures around the country - i had just graduated from high school and got a tourist visa (which at the time was REALLY hard to get for a bulgarian) only thanks to my dad ... i came, toured with my dad from Miami to Santa Barbara for 3 months... and of course like lots of Eastern Europeans in the mid 90s that was a great oportunity to try to get away from the misery back home - so my dad managed to work his magic and change my visa from tourist to student and i enrolled in the university he was reasearching in ... i didnt actually work until junior year in college or something - we eastern euros are spoiled and dont work when we are YOUNG! LoL .. and even then i worked doing research for a professor... or in summers for another professor of mine... so all of my work has always come through University and connections ive made.
what else... well, you forget that English is very universal, pretty much eveyone in the western world knows english in the younger generation... we had pirated cabel tv when i was in high school full of British and American muvies... not to mention i had been studying english since 3rd grade ..... i only use bulgarian to talk to my parents now and when i go back home every summer.... and lemme tell you that every summer the language changes quite a bit, slang and all, so there are always new things to pick up... and my friends in BG tell me that from time to time i structure my BG sentances like english!
Bulgarian in a Slavic language.. and NO, Bulgarian is not like Russian, Russian is like Bulgarian
good to see you have ambitions, make sure you dont just talk about them.... PUSH fwd, but push smartly and not blindly .... and TRAVEL lots
oh... o!
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