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Old 21-04-2007, 07:59   #108
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Spyretto, the preservatives are so that the food could last longer and therefor wouldn't need restocking. The junk that is put into food in American foodstuff is the primary reason why there is an obesity epedemic there. Most Americans don't actually eat that much food, they just eat a lot of processed food which is really, really unhealthy.
I believe the reason why obesity in America is such an epidemic can be summed up in three words.

McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's.

Americans spend WAY to much time in drive thru's and not enough time at home making good meals.

- Many Americans eat more times a day than you are supposed to, whether it's snacking or an actual meal. It's not just that eating this unhealthy food twice a day brings you to obesity.

It's not really that big of a deal anyways. If you're a fat ass - go on a diet. Don't bitch because you can't resist the temptations of a big mac.
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