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Old 29-01-2007, 23:41   #29
freddie freddie is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
I understand that it's also an oppinion freddie. I've stated that a billion times. Coolasfuck seems to need a reason to belittle me. Just because she is from a more urban area than I am does not mean I am stupid. I'm sure I have a much better understanding of American political themes than she does. She can look up statistics from a census 7 years ago. Thats nothing special When you have an understanding for how somthing works is when you are able to relate to it. She dosent need to tell me the demographics about where I live.......I live there remember? I know what they are. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's a bit annoying when her arrogance is speaking for a matter she knows little about. She has never lived here and never will. She has no right to make critical remarks about where I live nor more than I have the right to make them about where she does. Obviosuly I'm content with where I live, otherwise I would leave, I don't understand what she has to prove by saying my city is pointless becuase it's not what she considers a wonderous place. If she wants to start an argument thats fine, but don't jump on me for defending myself against an oppinion that was stated to START an argument.
It's a discussion board. Meant for people who want to share their opinions with others. Hence it's ill advised for you to take such things personally. Especially when posted on a forum which deals mainly with two Russian pseudo-lesbian pop stars.
You probably have a lot of insight on geopolitical circumstances in your State and it's near vicinity, yet sometimes one needs to look to an outsider to give a non-biased view. Though most of the time the truth is somewhere in the middle - hence it helps to share different viewpoints on a topic.

You presented your arguments in a very harsh manner and Coolz returned the favour. It's not my place to judge who's right or wrong, but one thing I know is that she didn't "belittle" you personalty, but rather expressed her views (though granted in a very straight-forward, non-PC fashion). You two just have clashing opinions. But you know the old saying... OPINIONS are like assholes. Everyone has one.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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