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Old 16-01-2007, 23:04   #60
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by haku
The situation is not too bad in France, the birth rate is currently 1.94 per woman and rising, there are good indications it'll go back over 2.0 pretty soon.
Well, it's done. The INSEE (French national stat administration) has published today the demographic results for 2006, and the birth rate is back over 2.0!

The French population has gained 394,000 people in 2006 and is now of 63.4 million.

300,000 are from natural growth (830,000 births, 530,000 deaths)
94,000 are from net immigration

The INSEE is still projecting the French population to reach 75 million by mid century (with a birth rate peaking at 2.1).
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 16-01-2007 at 23:16.
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