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Old 03-11-2006, 22:47   #178
haku haku is offline
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In related news, in the same report published next week, the EU commission will recommend to postpone membership talks with Western Balkan countries until an undefined date.

However, the EU commission is once again shying away from formally declaring where the final borders of the EU will be, which in my opinion is a grave mistake. If more and more people are opposed to further enlargement, it's precisely because they don't know 'where it's going to end' and feel that it's gotten out of control. People need to know what the final borders of the EU will be so they can get used to it, keeping a blur on the borders will only push people to be even more conservative and block any future enlargement in fear that 'it's never going to end'.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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