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Old 05-10-2006, 17:02   #94
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Originally Posted by dradeel
Actually, wrong ... there aren't anything that are being researched more than alternative energy source ... especially here in Norway, not to mention Denmark. Gass, water and wind-power have been researched for maaaany years.
They may research it but then the research is totally disregarded. How much money is being put into alternative research? Not enough, clearly.

Originally Posted by dradeel
Power from ocean waves are actually quite efficient (nothing to compare to nuclear power tho), but the costs for upkeep on "wave plants" are just too big.
I dunno about you, but I would rather energy prices go up than end up with nuclear waste being spilled all over the world. The idea that we need to spend as little money as possible with total disregard for the envoronment is such a shorted sighted and stupid solution.

Originally Posted by dradeel
Wind is the same, cheap but inefficient. You need houndreds and thousands of windmills which destroy the whole landscape.
I think windmills are actually very pretty. I'd have one in my back garden if it meant helping the current situation.

Originally Posted by dradeel
There are actually filter systems that give you 0% pollution, but they cost alot.
Again, we need to spend a bit to keep the world free of the nasty shit.

Originally Posted by dradeel
Also, you have sun energy. Sun panels aren't very dependable and can easily be damaged...
Sun panels aren't exactly that expensive, surely we should at least give it a try? If everyone had one on their house it would mean we would need a lot less of these power plants that are producing so much waste. We need to use what we are given freely!

Originally Posted by dradeel
What are you left with that produce superb amounts of energy compared to price and upkeep?
If I didn't know you better I would think you were an American Republican Bush supporter!
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