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Old 07-09-2006, 13:16   #54
marina marina is offline
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Originally Posted by spyretto
It was so ironic though that he handled crocodolies and he had to go by a stingray. It wasn't so much his fault as a string of bad luck, I suppose.
Sorry , but I don’t agree with this. spyretto says , everyone says now it was ironic to go because of Stingray etc. So I decided to chime in (didn’t want at the beginning because it’s really tragic and sad times for those who knew and loved Steve Irwin)
Let’s see :
1. He wasn’t deep diving . He was snorkeling at the shallow water .Meaning ? Not too much space for any maneuvers and too close to the stingray.
2. Sting ray , it’s not a dinner plate size , you know . Those stingrays about 1 meter in diameter and weight up to 100kg . Huge things with bread knife at the end of the tail.
3. They are timid , yeah .. but on another hand they are very easy get frightened; freaky movement , shadow and they go in defensive mode and strike! Cameraman and Steve’s friend knew about this , he says he witnessed not once how stingrays go into defensive mode. It happens to him before(not that he was wounded but he witnessed such things). Best thing in such situation to stay far away. If cameraman knew about this , I’m sure as hell that Steve Irwin knew too.
4. Bad timing ... I don’t really get that point but I was reading these days a lot about the tragedy and what they say it’s something to do with season and sharks , stingrays get especially wary of the danger around such times..

And now imagine ,Steve Irwin just above that beast , 2 m... no room no space…. Like a huge shadow he follows that stingray and follows and follows and follows ..
I wasn’t surprised stingray did strike . It’s not just bad luck /freaky accident . The only thing which is really bad luck -- a wound straight into his heart … If it was arm/leg/or lower torso , they could save a brave man . Very sad.
But as I said he took unnecessary risk . Never take chances with wildlife.
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