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Old 19-06-2006, 05:09   #149
dradeel dradeel is offline
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Originally Posted by haku
I don't think it's racist to want the European Union to have a clear limit and not expand beyond the European continent. expanding the EU to Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa makes absolutely no sense to me and i don't see how anyone can think it will work.
I do agree with haku here. And I didn't think what he wrote was racism, but I don't think genetics should matter either way. One can't use that as an argument, even how true it might be

But I agree that expanding outside the borders of Europe is kinda weird since it's the _European Union_. You have to draw the line SOMEWHERE, and along the European border is the most fair and square imo. However, many people includes Turkey in Europe and the european maps and so on, but I dunno if it's just to fill a void down in the lower right corner tho, since Europe reaches out on the north-side of "the black sea" that is (is it called "the black sea" in english? That's the name for it in norwegian at least... ).
Originally Posted by haku
I on the other hand see Turkey as a threat to European culture
That's the very essence... culture. Opposing cultures will create problems. One might disagree on some fundamental values and issues, which could stir up big problems. Just look at the problems something as simple as the muhammad-drawings caused. Now, I know that there is a huge number of muslims living in EU today, but as big as Turkey is, and how many people are living there and so on, we are looking at great cultural differences. Some issues much bigger than the drawings might occur, and that could be hard to deal with if Turkey were an EU-member. On the other side, if we were able to handle such problems, and the cultural differences became smaller, then I think a Turkish EU-membership could have many benifits.
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