Thread: Music Videos
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Old 04-12-2005, 01:03   #29
KillaQueen KillaQueen is offline
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Originally Posted by Mossopp
Am I supposed to fall to my knees and thank you just because you were gracious enough to listen to MCR?
no. and i don't see why you're getting so offensive again. i'm just barely trying to have a conversation here.
If you'd bother to listen to any of my choices you'd realise that they're nothing like My Chemical Romance. You are generalising my taste in music while lambasting me for doing the same thing to you. It's highly hypocritical of you.
thank you ever so much. look, what you like i perceive as rock (alternative, heavy, metal, whatever - it all falls in the great category of "rock"). i don't make the difference between MCR and, say, 36 crazyfists. they all sound the same to me. and i won't even dare to assume that Robbie sounds the same as some other pop artist to you, because i risk you jumping at my throat for insulting your intelligence. and i was not "lambasting" you for generalizing my taste in music. i'd understand if you did that and wouldn't blame you. anyhow, i think i'll just leave you there looking down on us mortals from your self-built pedestal, wanting to seem all high, mighty and tougher than tough. enjoy the view. i won't bother you anymore.
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