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Old 05-11-2005, 16:08   #63
freddie freddie is offline
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Originally Posted by xmad
Yes,I do agree with unified country.
Your replies are tedious and taken out of context. That's not really what I was asking. I'm not wondering whether you'd think a unified country in general would be bad, but rather this specific type of a unified country: one which a single race would be prefered and given advantage, while others would be either slaughtered by genocide or put into use as a permanent working classes. Because you can't agree with that specific country unless you agree with purpuseful murder and extreme race segregation at the same time. This utopic country would never be able to exist without those two factors.

And futhermore ...

Originally Posted by xmad
Originally Posted by nath
Are you sure that Hitler was so "strong"?

Yes,for sure he was.
This is one of those things that can't really be known "for sure". There'll be legends around him and his persona, but most people that knew him had conflicting things to say about him - maybe because he just was a conflicting personality. You though, say it like you know for sure he was strong. Like a fact. It's not a fact. It's an opinion. Present it as such.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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