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Old 03-09-2005, 20:21   #17
csargen csargen is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 54

Why do people live where there can be earthquakes? Why do people live where there can be bad weather? Why do people live on earth? Couldnt a comet hit it, how dangerous! Why do we live? To say people shouldn't live where they want to is just ridiculous... disaster will follow man whereever he goes.

As for the darkness present in New Orleans... yes it WAS a dark place, I have lived there for a year... I hear that the name Katrina means to Purify, dunno if that's true or not, but...

Also, America is like the man with the only moving car in a world of stalled cars... People will be jealous of course cause they are not moving. It doesn't make that man with the car bad, just lucky...

And also this disaster is on the level of the tsunami, you are not here to watch the local news constantly.. I live two hours from N.O. so do not speak of what you do not know.
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