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Old 01-08-2005, 15:35   #173
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
Gimme some sugar!
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Join Date: Jul 2003
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Chapter 57 part 1

The next morning in homeroom when Kristin walked in, she was greeted with the sight of Yulia’s arm around Lena’s shoulder as Lena was telling Miss Jamison about Rebel.

Kristin narrowed her eyes as she approached Lena and Yulia. “Oh, so that fat rat you call a dog is finally bailing out on you, huh? I hope he keels over and dies!”

Before Lena could even react, she saw a blur of something move in front of her face followed by a loud, eerie smacking sound.

“You BITCH! How cold hearted could you possibly get?! I’d rather eat Rebel’s shit than see your ugly, fucked up excuse for a face again!”

Both Lena and Miss Jamison’s jaws were practically on the floor. Lena’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head as she glanced back and forth between Yulia and Kristin, who was currently on the ground with her hand over her now bruised jaw.

“I can’t believe you hit me! *ME*! You are *so* going to get suspended! I’ll make sure of that, you little midget pixie bitch!” Kristin spat.

Lena quickly grabbed Yulia by the waist and pulled her back just as she was inches from hitting Kristin again.

“Lena, go ahead and take Yulia the bathroom to cool off. Kristin, you and I will have a talk. *Now.*” Miss Jamison had to fight to keep her composure as she addressed Kristin.

“Lena, let me go! She called me a *midget*! I’m going to kick her psycho-slut ass!” Yulia struggled as Lena dragged her out the door.

“Woah, woah. Take it easy Rocky junior.” Lena released her grip on Yulia’s waist and ran her hands up and down Yulia’s arms in an attempt to calm her down.

“I just can’t believe she’d say such a thing! I didn’t think bitches like that actually existed in real life!” Yulia was still fuming.

“Well, you *are* short.” Lena gave Yulia a crooked smile.

Yulia narrowed her eyes at Lena and poked her in the chest. “You behave or else I’ll release some of the Almighty Volkster on you, too.”

“Oh noooo. I wouldn’t want *the* Almighty Volkster mad at me. My knees are shaking already.” Lena smiled. “Seriously though, *I* can’t believe you hit her! I’ve wanted to do that for *so* damn long! How’s your fist?”

“Oh my gosh, it hurts so bad, but it was definitely worth it!” Yulia wiggled her knuckles slightly as she noticed how red they were.

“Let me see.” Lena gently grabbed Yulia’s hand and brought it to her face to get a closer look. “It just looks like it’ll be bruised for a little while, nothing too major.”

To Yulia’s surprise, Lena quickly gave her hand a peck. “There, no worries.” Lena smiled.

“Feels better already.” Yulia smiled brightly as she looked from her hand to Lena. I should hit Kristin more often.

Right before they were about to enter the classroom again, Lena heard Miss Jamison criticizing Kristin so she stopped just outside the door.

“I *demand* that you write that bitch up! She *hit* me! She can’t get away with that!” Kristin shouted.

Miss Jamison’s eyes narrowed as she leaned towards Kristin’s face. “Listen, Kristin. As far as I’m concerned, you were just clumsy, tripped, and fell face first into a desk. You have been tormenting Lena unnecessarily and from what I’ve heard and seen, it was only a matter of time before this happened. If that’s the worse of the retaliation against you, then you should consider yourself lucky. I don’t know what the hell happened between you two, but I will *not* let it continue in my classroom. Do I make myself clear?”

“But--” Kristin started to object.

“I SAID, do I make myself clear?!” Miss Jamison stood to her full height for added affect.

Kristin simply shut her mouth and crossed her arms as a reply.

“Good. Now take your seat. Away from Lena and Yulia of course.”

“Miss Jamison rocks!” Yulia whispered before she and Lena walked back into the classroom.

“Girls, I suggest that we act like nothing has happened, yeah?” Miss Jamison said as the girls took their seats.

“What happened? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I must’ve been too preoccupied thinking about who I’ll have to beat up to get those backstage passes to have paid attention to what you’re referring to.” Lena winked at Miss Jamison, who smiled in return.

“Hey now, that’s not nice. Make love, not war.” Yulia joked.

“Fine. In that case, I’m desperate enough to kiss the person that could give me backstage passes at this point.” Lena said.

“Oh is that so?” Yulia said with a twinkle in her eye. I just might hold you to that.

Miss Jamison couldn’t help but smirk. “Lena…you know the old saying: be careful what you wish for. You never know how things will turn out.” Is that a little spark I see in Yulia’s eye? Interesting indeed.


As the girls were walking to their next class, Igor caught sight of them in the hallway.

“Hey Yulia! Wait up!” Igor called out as he jogged to catch up with them.

“Did you have a fun weekend?” Igor asked

“Ohh yeah. It was definitely an experience I won’t forget.” Yulia responded. Please don’t ask me out. Please don’t ask me out.

“Sounds like fun. Speaking of fun…I was wondering if you wanted to reschedule our date for tonight.” Igor asked with a smile.

Date?! They’re going to go out on a *date*? Lena’s eyebrows furrowed for just a second before she placed an expressionless mask on her face.

“Ummm…” Yulia glanced uneasily at Lena. Why do I feel like I’d be letting her down if I agreed?

“How about this Igor…I’ll go out with you tonight, but just as friends and not as a date. Is that okay?” Yulia said.

Lena smiled inwardly.

“Hey, that’s good enough for me! I just wanted to hang out.” Igor said. “Lena, do you want to join us?”

“Uhhh, sure.” Lena was a bit surprised at Igor’s invitation. Maybe he’s not so bad after all.

“Great! It’s set then…tonight night is ours!” Igor said excitedly.

What an interesting night I’m sure it’ll be. Yulia thought. I just hope Igor doesn’t try anything funny.

As Igor walked away, Lena leaned over and said, “So, you and Igor, eh?”

Yulia grunted in response. “Oh please, Lena. You’ve *got* to know that I don’t feel anything for him! He’s nice and all, but I have my eye on someone else.” Oh my gosh, did I just say that out loud??

Lena gave Yulia a surprised look. “You have your eye on someone else? And who would that someone be?”

“Ummm…well, that’s for me to know and you to find out.” Yulia gave Lena a cheeky grin.

“We’ll see about that.” Lena said. Why do I feel…jealous? No, I shouldn’t have anything to be jealous about.


Later that night, Igor showed up at Lena’s cabin around 6 o’clock. Igor had planned to have his host-parents drive them around town, but Lena had offered to drive instead.

“So what did you have in mind for tonight?” Lena asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

“It’s a bit of a surprise. Just follow my directions.” Igor said. “By the way, both of you look stunning tonight.”

Yulia scoffed. “Ha! We look the same as we did earlier at school.”

“I know that. And I still stand with what I said. I think a girl is at her best when she’s just being casual and not all dolled up. It lets natural their natural beauty shine through.” Igor said with a smile.

“Oh..well…thank you, Igor.” Yulia returned the smile. “And since Miss I-don’t-handle-compliments-well over here won’t say it, I’ll thank you for her as well.”

Lena glanced over at Yulia, who was grinning and replied, “Yeah. What she said.”


After about a half hour in the car and a few Shania songs later, the trio finally arrived at their destination.

“Oh COOL! I haven’t been here in forever!” Lena was definitely pleased with Igor’s choice of amusement tonight.

“Aladdin’s Castle?” Yulia read the sign on the front of the building. “What kind of place is this?”

“It has the best freaken air hockey table EVER! Plus it has GO-CARTS!!!! WOOO! Come on!!” Lena grabbed Yulia’s hand and skipped to the entrance, with Igor close behind.

“This is great! Let’s race on the go-carts first!” Lena said excitedly.

“You’re like a little kid.” Yulia giggled at Lena. So adorable!

“I’m glad to see you like my idea so much.” Igor beamed.

“Let’s play air hockey first! C’mon Igor, I’ll challenge you.” Lena said as she got some tokens. Heh heh, time to impress Yulia.

“Okay, rules are that the loser has to do anything the winner wants. Deal?” Lena said.

“I don’t plan on losing this game after all so sure, why not.” Igor replied as he crouched down over the air hockey table.

Yulia laughed inwardly at the exchange. Oh Igor, you don’t know what you got yourself into.

As Lena placed the air hockey puck on the table, Igor noticed that it’s like she transformed into a warrior-type mode; her posture reminded him of a lioness ready to strike at her prey.

WHAM! Lena launched the puck like a missile with her paddle, sending it straight into Igor’s goal.

“What the…I didn’t even *see* that!” Igor complained.

“Hey, if you can’t take the heat, then get off the court!” Lena joked.

“Oh it’s on now!” Igor sent the puck back towards Lena, but Lena effortlessly intercepted it and sent it flying yet again into his goal.

“Damn it! Slow down, will you?” Igor drew back his elbow as far as he could and hit the puck with all his might towards the opposite end of the table.

Lena, with her quick reflexes, smashed the puck up against the corner of her side. She dragged the pick towards the middle of the table with her pinky and positioned it right where she wanted it. She had done this many times before and knew what would happen if she hit it at just the right angle.

Heh heh, let’s see how good his reflexes are. Lena slammed the puck at an angle towards the side of the table and watched as it bounced back and forth like the old Atari pong match until…BANG! The puck hit the corner of Igor’s slide, flipped up in the air, and hit him right in the middle of his forehead.

“OWWW!!!” Igor shrieked as he covered his forehead with his hands.

Lena couldn’t help herself and burst out laughing. “I’m sorry man, I thought you’d move or something!”

Yulia tried desperately not to laugh as to not embarrass Igor more than he already was, but she ended up letting a few giggles escape her mouth. Before she made her way over to Igor to see if he was okay, Yulia whispered, “That was good,” in Lena’s ear.

Yes! Lena, 1. Igor, 0. Let the games continue!

“Are you alright? It doesn’t look that bad…just a little red.” Yulia said as she examined Igor’s forehead.

Yulia turned so that her back was facing Lena. “Okay listen, when I go back over there, be ready to hit the puck right into her goal. Try and get it in one straight shot.”

Igor smiled in reply. Two can play at this game, Lena.

When Yulia was within a foot (~30 centimeters) of Lena, she unexpectedly launched herself at Lena’s midsection.

“OOf! Yulia, what are you doing? I’m in the middle of a game!” Lena tried to wiggle Yulia off, but Yulia had a vice-like grip around her waist.

“Now Igor, while you can!” Yulia giggled as she tried with all her might to move Lena from the table. After a few seconds of not getting Lena to budge, she decided to resort to something she *knew* Lena couldn’t resist.

Lena literally fell on the floor the instant Yulia’s fingers dug into her ribs. Yulia took advantage of this opportunity and straddled Lena’s waist so that she could have more access to Lena’s extremely ticklish spots.

“Yulia! *spasm laugh* Quit it! *squeal* This isn’t fair! *eruption of giggles*” Lena desperately squirmed underneath Yulia as it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe in between all the laughing she was doing.

“Igor, hurry up and make the goals! I don’t know how much longer I can hold her!” Yulia dug her fingers underneath Lena’s arms, causing her body to spasm from the laughter.

“Keep her down a little longer, Yulia. I only have 2 more to go!”

“Can’t…breathe…can’t *laughs* breathe.” Lena managed to say.

At that point, Yulia stopped her paralyzing fingers and instead grabbed Lena’s hands to hold her in place.

“You know you are *so* going to pay for this. I never lose at this game.” Lean said quietly in between her heavy breathing.

“Well, Miss Ultra-ticklish, I have to say I quite enjoyed you losing.” Yulia gave a mischievous grin and a wink before finally getting off of Lena. You have no idea how much I enjoyed that.

“Well, well, Lena. It looks like I won. So you get to do annnnnnything I want.” Igor smiled playfully. “Let’s see…”

“Actually, Igor. Would you mind if I decided what she did? It’s about time I pay her back for all the pranks she’s pulled on me.”

Lena’s eyes widened at the thought of Yulia being in control. Ohhhhh no. This can’t be good. I know she’s going to make me do something that will cause me to die of embarrassment.

A sly grin etched itself on Yulia’s face “The time has *finally* come where *I* can make you do *anything* I want. Oh the possibilities.”

To be continued…
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