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Old 14-06-2005, 14:17   #18
haku haku is offline
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We have no guarantee that killing Hitler as a child would make history better though.
Hitler did not invent fascism, fascism was spreading all over Europe in the 1930s, it was a deep general historical movement, Hitler managed to use that movement to cease power.

If Hitler is removed, who's to say that another national socialist leader isn't going to take his role in history, one that will be actually better than Hitler (from a Nazi point of view), one that will be more in control of himself and won't make the same strategic mistakes like starting the war in 1939 (too soon, they needed 10 more years to be ready) or having the USSR and the US drawn into the conflict (easily avoidable mistakes, the USSR was happy with the non-aggression pact and the US was happy to remain neutral in this nth European civil war). With a better leader, it would have been totally possible for Nazi Germany to invade and control all western and central Europe, and we may very well all be citizens of the IIIrd Reich today.

In an alternative scenario, if national socialism had collapsed without Hitler, well, national socialism was not the only extremist movement in Germany in the 1930s, the communists were also working to cease power. If national socialism had failed, the communists would have most probably made a coup and turned Germany into a Soviet state right at the heart of Europe. Soviet Germany and Soviet Russia would have been strong allies and would have easily invaded all the rest of Europe to create a huge Soviet Empire.

But at least in both scenarios Europe would be unified and definitely one of the superpowers of this planet instead of being the nothingness that it is today, lol.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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