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Old 11-06-2005, 01:28   #176
KillaQueen KillaQueen is offline
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Back to say I watched House of 1000 Corpses and that was possibly the worst "horror" movie I have seen in my life. Bad script, bad acting, bad directing... Definitely NOT worth watching. There's not even enough blood in it as suggested. And it's not scary or gruesome at all. It's just plain weird. And stupid. Waste of time.

Now I always wanted to watch I, Robot and I finally found the time (and mood). And boy, I don't regret it not one bit! That must easily be one of the best (sci-fi) movies around. There's the special effects, the feeling of terror at times, the suspense, the wit, even the "aww" factor... Will Smith is brilliant. Then again, I've always liked him Anyway, that movie had me on the edge of my seat from the moment it began till it ended. And I was sorry it ended. Now that is a great movie right there. Definitely a must see. In case you haven't already