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Old 02-06-2005, 01:41   #91
haku haku is offline
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Originally Posted by nath
it would be possible to build a new constitution, I hope a better constitution.
There won't be a new constitution, and this one will end up in the trash. The UK is now the clear leader of the EU and they are going to reshape it to their liking, they are going to turn the EU into an ultraliberal free market zone and destroy any political or social aspects that France and Germany were trying to build, it's a great victory for the UK (and the US behind them).
The trouble is, i've never been interested in an economic union unless it's part of a political one, and now French people have decided that there will be no political union and want to go back to a closed nation state, ok, so be it, Jean-Marie Le Pen's point of view has won, but i won't be a part of that.

Originally Posted by nath
the future Europe wouldn't be a Europe with 25 countries...25 members ?
We were supposed to reach about 35 members ultimately, it won't happen now.

Originally Posted by nath
Because France and Germany are the two largest founding members and have always been the ones that were pushing forward for more European integration. The EU constitution was a French-German creation and we managed to convinced the other members that it would be a good thing for the EU to have a constitution. France even managed to get rid of all religious references in the text even though almost all other members wanted it, it was a great victory for France, the EU constitution was actually largely inspired by the French constitution, well, it was a great victory until we shoot ourselves in the head last sunday. No wonder the British are laughing their ass off all over the kingdom, it's always funny to see the French destroy their own creation.

Originally Posted by nath
The original goal was to prevent war between members to avoid a new continental devastation, and then to create a new political superpower that would be able to face the US, China, or India in global strategy. We are 455 million people in the EU currently, and our opinion is worth NOTHING on an international level because we are not politically unified. Of course with the French and Dutch votes, both goals are now failures.

Anyway, i voted yes, you voted no, my point of view lost, your point of view won, there's not much to add. And i'm taking a break as i'm feeling too depressed about all this and need to retreat.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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