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Old 27-03-2005, 06:00   #48
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Chapter 12 Pt.1

(Symphony of Love – The tales of the blue eyed cop and the criminal.)

[Now people I know I said I’ll only be telling the story of Yulia meeting Sofia in front of Lena’s door… But I’m going to tell their storyy from the very start cuz…its necessary.]


7 years ago…

Yulia was sitting at a table with her headphnes blaring in her ears and a bottle of Coke on her table. It was long day at her training, and she always came back to this café to unwind. But that wasn’t all her reasons to always come to this café. There was a certain someone who always took her orders with a sweet smile. She smirked at the thought.

She was going to have her waitress that day. She was feeling lucky.

Yulia Volkova had a petite figure but a fit and a lean one at that. Her hair was incredibly short for a woman to have, merely an two inches spiked into every direction possible. She was very tan and something about her screamed carribeans as she slipped on her pair of aviators. Those were the only boarrier from someone to see her piercing intense blue eyes, blue eyes so clear and deep someone could lose themselves in them. She smacked on her gum inside her mouth, giving her the distinct ‘bitch’ atmosphere. That’s how she wanted it though. Especially on that day.

As usual, the music blaring in her ears deafened out everything around her, only the screaming anonymous singer in her ears hearable. And as usual, the same waitress that served her for the last three months approached the table with a paper pad and a worn out pencil. Yulia grinned like an idiot as soon as the honey brunette came in sight.

The waitress said something with irritation in her eyes, but Yulia couldn’t hear a thing. The music still blaring. So she just resumed to bobbing her head to the beat and ignored the honey brunette that just kept talking to her.

As usual, the waitress looked great. Even in her waitress garbs, she still looked beautiful. Those chocolate eyes were mesmerizing, and her clear complexion always made Yulia want to touch her face. Touch her everwhere. The same way the waitress tapped the toes of her shoes on the floor, waiting, and the same way she always tried to suppress a yawn always seemed to encapture Yulia in a trance.

The daily routine was this, Yulia comes into the store, and always takes the same seat every time. The one by the window with the high stools. The same waitress would always come over, and notice the blaring head phones. She would wait there until Yuila drops the act of a deaf and notice her. She would take her order, which was always a glass of Warsteiner beer, and a bowl of beef jerkys. After the waitress brought out her order, Yulia would ask for her name, but the waitress would never give it.

But this time, she was startled at the sudden imbalance of the daily cycle. The waitress suddenly grabbed her headphones and practically screamed in her ear, “What do you want for today, MISS!!!” Yulia almost shit her pants, losing her composure and falling backwards from her stool.

Some people were watching her laughed or smirked, and Yulia reddened with embarrasment. The waitress offered her hand and Yulia gladly took it. The honey brunette just winked at her as she pulled the petite figure up.

“Just thought I’d try something different. I’ll have your order in a few minutes.” She said sweetly, before walking into the kitchen of the café.

After a moment of glaring at the people around who had laughed, she laughed too, grazing her rear with exaggerated pain. More people laughed as Yulia flashed them a smile before getting back to her seat.


Yulia took her breakage of her daily routine an omen to finally claim the honey brunette her’s. With that decided, she rounded about the café building to the back entrance, where the employees exited when they had finished their shift.

She leaned against the building beside the door and rummaged inside her pockets to find a stick of cigarette to pass the time. She found the last one residing deep inside her jacket pocket and lit it with her favorite lighter. Placing her lighter snugly back into her pocket, she inhaled on the smoke, and glancing at her watch to see how long she would have to wait.

Five more hours.

She could deal with that.


Finally the honey brunette’s shift was coming to a close. Yulia grinned like an idiot again, watching as her watch ticked by.

It was almost 10:30pm, and she knew that the waitress always came out at exactly, 10:37pm every time. Wow, stalk much?

And she was right. She could hear the jiggle of the doorknob before the back door opened and the door opening with an annoying creak. Then behold all glory, there she was, the honey brunette with a jean jacket on over top of her waitress garbs.

“I think you owe me after the my not so graceful fall.” Yulia said, out of the blue. The waitress jumped, turning to Yulia’s direction. Than she sighed when she saw who it was and quickly locked the back door.

“Oh? And what do I owe?”

“I think you owe me your name.”

“I don’t owe you *that* much, hon.”

Yulia smirked. She wanted to play, then play they will.

“Okay. Then can I ask you out?” She asked tentatively.

“I think you’re a bit too arrogant.” The honey brunette said with enigmatic smile. Hard to get, eh? Yulia thought and scoffed. No one can resist the Volk, either man or woman. Now she was tempted to this honey rbunette more than ever.

“And I think you’re a big fat liar.” Yulia said with a laughing tone in her voice. The honey brunette rolled her eyes and started to walk again. Yulia followed in a hot pursuit.

“And how am I a liar?” She asked, thought still walking. Yulia took the spot beside the girl and chuckled.

“You’re a liar because you actually want to kiss me and love me and fuck me. But you’re just in denial.” Yulia said, enthused. It was the waitress’s turn to laugh. That made Yulia want to melt right then and there.

“I stand corrected, now I *know* you’re a bit too arrogant.” She said, now hopping steadily to cross the street.Yulia was in hot pursuit.

“I may be arrogant, but I’m right. You *do* want to kiss me to oblivion.” Yulia continued, not a breath faltering her sentence. There was a sense of pride in each of the words said by Yulia and the honey brunette noticed this.

“No Yulia, I think you just want to kiss *me* and you’re turning the blame to someone else.” Yulia raised her brow at this. How did she know her name? But as if the girl could read minds, she added, “You’re not the only cop around here, Volkova.”

Yulia laughed. Well this was amusing, wasn’t it?

“Okay. Maybe I do want to kiss you. Maybe I do want to fuck you. What you gonna do about it?” Yulia asked, half joking. The woman in front of her suddenly stopped and whirled around, facing the owner of those piercing blue eyes.

The honey brunette had a small smile gracing upon her features, though Yulia was sure that she didn’t mean it for her to see her smile. After a moment’s pause the honey brunette answered.

“I wouldn’t stop you.”

And that was her cue. Yulia grabbed the honey brunette’s collar and roughly pulled her in her arms, their lips meeting in a brusing heated kiss.


It was their year’s anniversary, but Yulia pretended that she had forgotten about it, acted a little more distant around Sofia. Of course the honey brunette was upset, her whole mood gone to crap. But what she didn’t know was Yulia had a surprise for her, and she was going to need a oxygen tank for some hot love making their were going to have later on. Maybe not on that day specifically… But hot sex nonetheless.

Yulia pretended to flick through the tv channels, lazily looking at the moving pictures. Sitting on another sofa, Sofia was gazing at Yulia in disbelief.

“I can’t belive you.” Sofia hissed. Yulia looked up, feinging ignorance in her eyes.

“What? What’d I do now?” Yulia asked, iwardly grinning like an idiot like she always does around Sofia.

“It’s our freaking anniversary, and you forgot. I think you love the TV more than me, Yulia.” Sofia was trying to swallow her tears, and Yulia could clearly see.

“Oh shit…Sofia I’m soo sorry.” Yulia jumped up from her seat and frantically ran to Sofia. “I’m so sorry. I mean. Let’s go out, ok? We’ll go out and have fun!” She said, her mouth going over the practised lines.

“Sofia, go back home and get ready, ok? I’ll meet you at La Collier’s in twenty minutes.” Yulia said, but she could still see Sofia being reluctant. “Go on girl, meet me there!”


Sofia was waiting just ouside the restaurant, leaned over to her foot, tying her shoelaces for the thousandth time. She was bored out of her mind and Yulia was already an hour late.

At the corner of her eye, she could she Yulia runing as fast as she could to her, with a phone held by her ear.

Yulia gestured her to be quiet and still as she made this phone call. Sofia rolled her eyes in anger. So much for a happy anniversary. But she got more sadder when she heard what Yulia was talking about on the phone.

“…You have a good night, beautiful. You’re the only girl for me. I love you, I love you and I love you! And I miss you already. Call me back as soon as you get back, ok?” With that Yulia hung up and looked up at Sofia with her idiot grin on her face.

“Ready?” Yulia whispered as she clutched at Sofia’s hand, and practically dragged her in the restaurant.

As soon as those two stepped into the building, the whole lights were shut down, and everything was awkwardly quiet.

“What the fuuuuck?” Sofia cursed under her breath, confused and feeling the warm hand of Yulia’s leaving her’s.

Then just as suddenly a HUGE cake with 50 candles lit on it was coming her way. The dimly lit candles shone on the guest’s and the customer’s face, their faces in a huge grin and smiles. She was still under the shadows, not knowing what the hell was going on. Then the singing started. Everyone in the restaurant started to sing.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… You make me happy! On rainy days…” The song continued as Yulia suddenly appeared and lead her to a corner booth and sat her down. “…Oh please don’t take my sunshine, away!!!! Happy anniervasry, Yulia and Sofia!!!!” Everyone shouted, with a hint of jealousy and happiness in their voices.

Yulia slung her arm around Sofia and kissed her deeply on her lips. The cake was laid out on their table, with the candles still shining. On the cake, there was a sentence written wih blue icing, saying “A year’s anniversary!! Rock on girls!!”

“Now you didn’t really think I’d forget…Did you Sophy?” Yulia grinned from ear to ear. Sofia was shedding tears without her knowing, but she was smiling too.

“God Yules… I’m so sorry for doubting that you would have ever forgotten…O God! How the hell are we going to finish this slab of calories?!” Sofia laughed amognst her tears, holding Yulia tightly beside her.

Although Sofia was happy, something still grabbed her as suspicious. The call Yulia had made just before they came in the restaurant… She was beyond sad that Yulia would call another girl on their anniversary but she didn’t show it.


Yulia was laughing, lacing her fingers with Sofia’s. Sofia faltered, and stopped short before going inside Yulia’s studio building.

“Yules… I think I’m gonna go home for today. I feel a little tired.” She said, unsure and the phone call still on her mind.

But Yulia was silently cheering in her mind. ‘Tired? Bullshit!!’ She thought amusedly. But she put on her concerned act, rubbing her fingers up and down Sofia’s arm. “Are you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, fine. I just need to sleep.” Sofia said, her face getting rigid.



Sofia was back in her house, quietly sobbing to her self. Maybe Yulia was indeed cheating on her.

She trudged into her living room and saw tha she had a voice message waiting for her in her machine. She curiously pushed the button that announced the messages. The automatic computerized voice immediately talk aloud.

“You have one new message. First message.”

Sofia gulped. But she broke into a happy smile and laughs when she heard what the message was.

“…You have a good night, beautiful. You’re the only girl for me. I love you, I love you and I love you! And I miss you already. Call me back as soon as you get back, ok?...”

How could’ve she been so stupid to think Yulia would do that to her?

She bit her bottom lip and decided if she wanted to call Yulia or not. She smirked and decided to be a tease and not call. Yulia was going to get it, making her cry like that.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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