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Old 23-03-2005, 23:42   #42
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Stairway to Heaven~
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 204

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Chapter 10

“Shut the fuck up!” Kozlov screamed before spewing out his collected saliva on the red tresses. “Get up, bitch. You’re gonna fucking suck my dick and I want you to get up and get to it” He yelled once more before drawing his foot back and twisting his body for a powerful kick. The toe of the foot landed sharply on one of Lena’s ribs, a curious “pop” sound heard after the kick. Kozlov just sniggered before grabbing a handful of Lena’s curls and pulling her head up to meet his own.

“I won’t say this again, Lena. Suck me now… Or I’ll let Sophy deal with you.” He snarled right in to her face, spraying his saliva all over her facial features. Lena barely suppressed the urges to writhe in agony and beg for her life.

She closed her eyes, bit the insides of her cheeks and took a deep breath, trying to formulate a plan in her head.


Two slaps in one day, lucky her.

The redhead was beaten to a bloody pulp. She was sure that the perverted bastard had broken a few bones at least. There was a blood dripping from somewhere on her scalp, for the leakage of blood kept sliding down to her rght brow and dive into her eyeball. Although she quickly blinked them away time to time, it was beginning to be quite the burden.

Her blouse was torn apart, openly showing her red lacy bra and her whole clevage. Her wrists were bound together behind her back, the tips of her fingeres slightly turning purple. Her jeans were completely off, and so was her underwear. Her ankles were bound with various tied up towels Kozlov discovered in her bathroom, and “kindly” provided for her. She felt so humiliated by this time, she wanted to burst out crying.

But goddammit she was cop once! She could get through this if she didn’t choke beneath so much pressure…

“Fucking answer me you fat whore or I’ll fuck you here and now so bad you won’t be able to sit for 365days!” He growled into her face once more, seething from annoyance.

Lena reluctantly opened her eyes and stared down at Kozlov in a contemptous way. The ends of her lips lifted in a cold smirk, Kozlov could not believing what he was seeing, and got redder from extreme irritation. His nose stated to crinkle and twitch, though Lena was sure he was doing that unintentionally. He saw her open her mouth and lean into his ear to say something.

He heard the raspy voice loud and clear.

“Go to hell, fuckface.” Nicely put Lena, nicely put.

Kozlov’s face reddened in humiliation before his prey, and punched the smirk right out of her face. “Bitch…” He murmured.

With a defeated and an angered face, he stalked to Lena’s sofa just few inches away. On top of the sofa laid two things; A pair of sanitized rubber gloves, and a thick silver briefcase. He knowingly clipped the briefcase open, unfortunately for Lena, revealing everything inside for her to see.

Lena gasped. Kozlov looked back at Lena and his lips curled into a sick smile. Still not looking away from Lena’s face, he slowly reached around for the syringe he had stored in his bag of goodies. When he had found it, he raised it up beside his head for Lena to see clearly what it was.

Lena just shut her eyes forcefully. Kozlov laughed out loud, a menacing laugh that seemed to last for ages.

He then took his pair of rubber gloves and wriggled his fingers as the contact of rubber enclosed around his rough fingeres. As he snapped the bands at the wrist effectively to make the signature noises they were bound to make in every movies, he chuckled.

“You may be the one to get the last laughs you fag, but I’ll be the one getting the last of your pride. You think Volkova can help you now? She fucking hates your guts.” He grinned, revealing a set of pearly white teeth. He continued to talk. “But hey… A man; Or in this case a woman, can dream, right?”

He chuckled, a noise of a low rumbling throaty noise that Lena wanted to puke at. He raised up his right hand, holding the syringe, and squirted out some of the green liquid, raising a brow of excitement and amusement.

“Are you ready?” He bearly whispered before lunging for the helpless redhead.


Volokova swiftly hopped out of her car, not wasting any minute. Her ready fingeres reached for her holster, reaching for her 9mm pistol. She quickly positioned the gun with both of her hands, readying it about three inches from her face. She hastily scanned the perimeteres, searching for any passer-bys.

It was awfully quiet. That bothered her. The fingers on her gun tightened its grip, Volkova unintentionally taking a big gulp.

She raced for the stairs, soundlessly but effectively tapping up to the fourth floor. But when she reached her destination of Lena’s front entrance, she immediately lowered her gun. Her facial expression smoothed to a astounded expression, her eyes widening and her mouth gaping.

Then slowly the creases of confusion ladened her delicate features as she longingly walked up closer to the door.



10:46 pm.

Kozlov jabbed the syringe on Lena’s bare bottom, laughing. He had never had this much fun since high school. His tongue constantly flicked out to swirl his bottom lip of his saliva, his facial expression varying from a clown to a joker.

Lena scrreched and struggled to keep the needle away from her bottom, wriggling profousely.

“Stay still you fucking cow!” He shouted, harshly stepping on her nape to keep her still. Her gagging for breath and the disability to move satisfied him, as he proceeded to insert all of the green liquid into Lena’s system.

After all the green contents were gone, he threw away the syringe, and chuckled, unzipping his pants.

“Lena, do you know what that was just now?” He called out wickely, his hands stumbling trying to undo his belt and zipper. “That was a serum devised by couple of very smart scientists to keep their test animals paralyzed for a temporary amount of time while they’re still alive. It’s a type of poison, discovered by some big ol’ grandpa lookin at bugs! Ain’t that a knowledge to have!”

He giggled like an idiot before undoing his pants completely and sliding off his boxers.

Lena cried then. She couldn’t hold it back anymore. She whimpered out, trying not to give him the pleasure of her suffering. She let couple of her thick curls to fall and hide her face.

“Let’s try something new.” The husky voice of Kozlov filled her ear drums. She felt herself getting picked up by her waist, so she was in form of lying down with her behind puckered up.

“Ever gone anal with a real man, fag?”


In the still of Volkova’s studio apartment, the moon beams dancd around the hardwood floor, seeking out the empty nooks and crannies to give its attention on. Then breaking the harmonic silence of the hollow space, the phone began to ring.





“You’ve reached the Volkova residence. I’m not home, so you know the drill.” The automatic message played, the tired brunette’s voice echoing through the empty househld.

The furnitures, and even the moonlight seemed to sit still and freeze to hear what the phone had to say.

“Hey Detective Volkova, this is Jack Davis calling at approximately 10:50pm… I called in sick today although you already know that by now. Since I’m not going to come to until after the weekends, I’d like to talk to you about an errend I’d like you to run that was not in the list I wrote for you to do. Call me back, eh? You know my number. Thanks!” The thick masculin voice cut short, and the high pitched “Beep” sounded.

Than shortly after a mechanical computerized voice said, “You have a new message.” Before clicking into nothing.

The surroundings in the hollow house seemed to sigh out their tension of silence before going back to their dancing and their trivial standing.


The green liquid seemed to be wearing off, seeing as Lena’s was slowly moving herself to a corner, pushing herself against the walls, clutching at her torn blouse. The tears had dried up long ago, after the fifth thrust. But she so badly wanted to cry again.

Her blood and sweat matted curls was limp against the frame of her face, sticking to everywhere because of the sweat moisture. It hurt her so bad sit down properly, she was half kneeling and half lying down to the floor, not knowing how to position herself.

Kozlov was smoking, sitting on the sofa, blowing out perfect rings with his shape of mouth. But it sickened the redhead to see his penis raise up again in a firm erection. He laughed at it as he exhaled a fume of white smoke.

“Are you gonna get rid of this or what?” He said huskily.

“Or what. Go to hell bastard.” Lena spat out.

Kozlov growled and flicked his still burning cigarette at Lena’s thighs. She yelped at the contact and inched away against the wall more heavily. He stood from the sofa and slowly sauntered near the red head.

“You are gonna suck me dry whether you like ti or not, slut. Cuz you’re mine, and slaves just don’t run away.” He said in his trademark aloofness oozing voice.

But as Kozlov was just a meter away from the red head several cracks of gunshots were heard. Before Kozlov could comprehend ananything, he felt a sudden numbness in his groin area. He eyes went big as two big plates as he looked down at his penis.

Well, not anymore. His erection was severed copmletely from his body, only his testicles barely holding onto his body.

“Oh shit! What the fuck!!” He screamed, and dropped to his knees from the sudden searing pain from his crotch. Volkova’s intense blue eyes were glossy with unshed tears, as her lips were forcefully shut from the disgust. She was frowning deeply, her game face putting wrinkles at every apropriate place on her face.

Her both hands steadied the gun in her tight grip, as she glared at Kozlov with her anguish filled blue eyes.

“Save a spot for your penis in hell, you fuck bag.” The brunette spewed out these words with pure hate dripping from every single syllables.

With her good byes done, she shot him three more times on his chest.

As his body collapsed onto the floor, the blood slowly spreading from his body to the surroundings, Volkova’s hand shook so badly, she dropped her gun and went straight to the red head.

But something was wrong. Lena was unconcious.

“Lena…? Wake up Lena… Please wake up Lena…!! Wake up!!” Her desperate callings towards the red head didn’t reach her. “I’m sorry Lena… Please wake up…” The brunette buried her face in the crook of Lena’s neck and rocked her body back and forth.

Tears gushed out her blue eyes as she tightly clung on to the red head.

Distant sirens could be heard, and she closed her eyes.
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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