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Old 23-03-2005, 09:18   #41
Shakrin Shakrin is offline
God of All Things Girthy
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Stairway to Heaven~
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 204

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Chapter 9

“I saw her today.” Sophy said with a stoic smile. It was a smile Kozlov thought to be very annoying because he didn’t know what the woman thought when she smiled like that.

“Saw who?” Kozlov almost whispered as he lighted up another cigarette. Then he started to wander around the filthy and small apartment room in a search of his lighter. He growled as the lighter wasn’t showing any signs of turning up any time soon. Sophy lazily dangled a slick black lighter between her index finger and her thumb, holding it up in the air.

“Looking for this…?” She purred, spreading herself on Kozlov’s futon. Kozlov turned to her and glared at her in irritation before snatching the light from her hands.

“Fucking cunt…” He murmured before lighting up his smoke and inhaling the fulfilling smoke. Sophy just laughed at his try at indimidating her.

“Fucking queer…” She retorted back before taking out a mascara from her pack pocket. She opened the lid carefully, revealing not a brush of the mascara head, but an empty rod filled with white powder. She poured some on her finger, in a random measure and sucked it up her nose.

“That’s fucking disgusting you slut. Don’t do that shit in front of my face again or I’ll fuck your brains out.” Kozlov said, taking yet another deep drag from his smoke burning between his fingers. Sophy cackled, the effects of the cocaine settling in her brain.

The apartment was downright filthy. No one would’ve been surprised if they found a stack of dead rats hidden somewhere, making the unbearable odor that resided in the place. Semen and blood encrusted clothes caked about the room that made it almost impossible to live in. Dead flys were strewn about, some still buzzing around trying to survive. The ripped wallpapers were barely hanging from the walls and the only source of light which was a stray lightbulb hanging by its wires on the ceiling were blinking on and off, swaying.

“That uhh…fuck…umm…what was the name of the red head again? Mmmm…fuck…hehehe..” Sophy babbled like a psycho, stoned out of her mind.

“Who…Lena?” Kozlov suggested, his voice raising of hope and excitement.

“Thaaaaaaat’s the one. Saw her today at the shrink’s office…hehehehe….” She dragged on with her sentence, then moving on to rubbing her head vigorously on the rugged futon. “I know where she lives…Her phone number… Her itsy bitsy friends… hehehhehehe…Jack….puhahahahaha!” She went on and on.

“Shut the fuck up bitch. Get your stoned ass out of my fucking apartment.” Kozlov shushed the stoned woman sharply, with a nasty snarl on his face. But soon his face broke into a light smile as he slowly stood himself up and almost galloped to the bathroom to make himself presentable.


Lena shrieked as she pushed aside everything on her counter to the floor, the glass wears shattering on the hardwood floor. Her face was flushed and her eyes were red with tears still sliding down her pale face. Her mouth was gaping at inexpressable pain and guilt, and screamings. Her hands and as well as her whole body shook into an angry frenzy, smashing and breaking everything she could lay her hands on.

‘Dammit it wasn’t supposed to be this way…Fuck I wasn’t supposed to meet her like that, everything turned out so fucked up! God damn it!! Shit!’ She though angrily as she raged at her belongings. The shattered glasses pricked into her bare feet, leaving smears of blood in her apartment’s floor.

She took her clock, sitting on a table top and hurled it across her room, the machinery shattering into unrepairable pieces among the already littered floor. Then she pushed off all of her contents on her night stand, kicking them at the beaten wall. After, she picked up the wholen nightstand itself and swung it to her mirror, cracking the glass.

Her adrenaline was slowly fizzing into a tiny particles of sadness more than anger, her torn heart baring for everyone to witness but no one to see. She resignedly stared at herself at the cracked mirror. She watched as her mosaic images of herself was doubled on each pieces of mirror, thus showing double the pain.

Everything was fucked up. She never should’ve come back here, expecting everything to be normal again.

She paused everything in her senses right then to look around her, watching the masterpiece of her anger and screeching sorrow. It only took her seconds to collapse on her knees and begin to openly sob into the back of her sleeves.

‘You’re a real angel, Lena.’


Volkova stumbled through her fairly large studio room to the kitchen. Her heart was raging again. Her old heart problems always emerged with Lena. Always. She searched for the right drawer, almost painfully trying to catch her breath.

She slammed the right drawer open, then desperately rummaged through the contents, trying to find the right container of her pills. Her chest was starting to pinch and grab at her insides, and it wasn’t a stroll through a heavenly garden. Her face slowly got red and she was struggling to breathe.

There! She snatched up the orange bottle and through out five white tablets on her hands. She quikly popped them in her mouth and immediately the drug took care of her chest aches. She plopped down on to her floor as she completely relaxed, leaning her whole body against the kitchen counter.

As her eyes lids got heavier by the second, her grip on the orange container relaxed, letting it roll out form her hands as she fell asleep.


Jack Davis checked himself in the mirror for the last time before he walked out of the bathroom, and grabbing his coat to put it on. With on final check-up on his features, he reached for his car keys and walked out of his house.

He swiftly nudged himself in his Lexus, placed the keys in the ignition and started the car. As he pulled out of his driveway, he was mindlessly driving for the precinct, before he sharply turned the car towards Kartina’s apartment.

Only his thin smile gracing his lips was the emotion he put on his face for display, then running the red light with no trace of worry on his face anywhere.


Kozlov was freshly shaven with his hair slicked back. The golden specks in his eyes shined out exceptionally by the sun glinting. His smell was rich with expensive cologne, and the smell of after shave on top of that made it all the more stronger.

A hint of smile traced his thin lips as he sped in his black car to the address Sophy had given him. Katina will be his once and for all. He glanced up the another red light and ignored it, turning left, not wanting to stop.


Jack hurried up the steps for the fourth floor in the apartment building Katina lived in. He could faintly hear the heartbreaking sobbing coming echoing through the empty endless corridors of her apartment building. He sped up his speed in part worry and part curiousness.


Kozlov was already at Katina’s doorstep and was picking the lock of Katina’s entrance to the apartment. But after a few seconds, he found out that he didn’t need to, seeing the door wasn’t locked at all. He smirked and pushed the door open silently, then closed the door behind him, and bolted it locked.

Another smile laced up his greasy face, as he watched the total work of massacre through out the apartment, seemingly Katina had caused.

He took out his mobile phone from his back pocket, and flicked it open, dialing for Sophy. He could hear Katina busy with the crying and the sniffling. He had at least another five minutes before he could make contact with the red head.

A dragging lazy voice answered from the other end. “Hello…?” Kozlov smiled. It was Sophy’s voice no doubt. And he obviously woke her up from her sweet slumber.

“Get yourself ready and come over to the Katina’s residence. We’re gonna have some fun, so you better bring some equiments of your own with you. I sure as hell ain’t lending you mine… Fucking cunt. Don’t be late.” With that he just flipped his phone shut, not giving Sophy to bitch about something else.

He carefully stepped on to the hardwood floor, avoiding the glasswears, and making no noise whatsoever He just followed the noise of the sobbing, a full fledged smile breaking his face.

But he was so focused into his intruding, he didn’t notice the slight jiggling of the doorknob at the front entrance.

He stopped dead in his tracks when the doorbell screeched in the apartment. Kozlov’s eyes widened, staring right back at the door. ‘Shit…..!” He thought sharply in his mind. He was screwed big time.

But it must’ve been his lucky day. Lena just sobbed louder and was ignoring the door bells. He supressed the urges to laughout loud, but he smirked before heading cautiously for his prey.


Volkova tiredly trudged back to the precinct, feeling slightly bi rejected and stupid. She just sighed and went inside her office, trying to find some work to occupy her.

Then someone knocked on her door softly, just bearly getting her attention. With that, a familiar face she’s seen around the precinct poked his head in and smiled.

“Hello Miss Volkova. Jack didn’t show up for work today, he called in sick. He said to do him a favor and finish some of his errends for him.” He said with a broad grin on his face.

Volkova smirked. “Alright. Thanks. You’re dismissed.” She grumbled back. The guy nodded once more and closed the door behind him.

What was so funny that he had his stupid grin on his face? Volkova pondered. Her usal grimace placed her often blank face, as she crisscrossed her fingeres together. Her sixth sense told her something was wrong. She gradually stood up and walked out of her office.

She didn’t know what she was doing but she was heading for Katina’s desk. She calmly sat down at the red head’s station and pulled on Lena’s forgotten coat involuntarily. Her fingers ran through the intricate seams of the heavy coat, and she brought it up to her nose to breathe in the red head’s scent.

It was time she sort this thing out with the red head. She had enough of being a coward. Coward to feel. To love. She hesitantly took the heavy winter coat of the red head’s and draped it on herself. It was slightly bigger than her, but she wasn’t planning on carrying the heavy thing so she had to suck it up.

She scurried back to her office and rummaged her drawers for her extra supply of her heart pills, and placed them in the coat’s pocket.

It was Lena she was going to talk to, she thought to herself. She was going to need it.

With that done, she grabbed her keys and walked to her car, her destination in her mind Lena’s apartment.


As she was driving to the apartment, the radio installed in her car hissed into life, sending out garbled words and statics. But she soon understood.

“…Any units who are close to this address please respond…”

Volkova couldn’t belive her ears. She frowned deeply at the radio and angrily punched it, ending the statics, and ruining the piece of equiment.

It was a report of screamings and disturbing noises coming from Lena’s address, reported by her neighbor. Her stomach was doing sommersaults, as she turned on her sirens and sped through the red light.

Something told her what was happening at Lena’s apartment. And it wasn’t some big ass loud noised video game.

[Kozlov...god i love that guy....only if he weren't evil.... ]
*Yawn*~ ...Is it alright if I hold you through the night...?
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