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Old 04-03-2005, 00:03   #27
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by Mossopp
Whether you'd lower yourself enough to go to a proper concert isn't my concern.
My point is that there is such a thing as 'gig etiquette'. And rule Numero Uno is that you treat other audience members with a modicum of respect. If those girls were at the front they got that position fair and square. Pushing and shoving other people around in order to get a better position is just wrong.
If you'd been to as many gigs (and I mean proper gigs - none of that fucking pop music shite where everyone is sitting in rows and rows of clearly marked seats ) as I have then you'd understand the do's and don't's. It's easy to spot posers at gigs cos they're always the ones pushing and shoving and acting silly.
1. Define 'proper'
2. You dont need to go to 1000000000000000000000000 concerts to know the do's and dont's
3. When I go to shows (no, not the ones with seats , but not one of MTV's popular "NEW bestest rocking" bands either ) I dont push (usually its the other way around, I simply 'kindly' resist if needed, so I would not be 'washed' away, but usually I just YIELD to the teenie bullies) ... I dont think you need to be covered in other's people sweat to enjoy the show
oh... o!
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