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Old 20-01-2005, 05:24   #1
ypsidan04 ypsidan04 is offline
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New shows on FOX in the US

I've found myself watching American Idol for the first time since the first season, which was uh, 2 or 3 years ago. It's not the layoff I have a hard time explaining, it's my recent new interest that puzzles me. A year ago, I would have been like "What's the point in watching that?", and now I'm like "Why haven't I been watching this?". Anyway, I'm sure a few of you have seen at least one of the first 3 hours so far. And all I got to say is, that girl Mary who is apparently one of the worst singers ever, is in my opinion, (shock!) not that bad! I mean seriously. Sure she didn't deserve to get thru to the next round, but give me a break, they didn't need to disgrace her like that! She's just different that's all. When she was in front of the judges, yeah that was bad, but I've heard worse. And when she did it again out in the hall, she sounded a lot better! Maybe she was just nervous, like a lot of people are. But she actually has the unique ability to change from a high voice to quite a deep voice for a girl within the same song. She's not the worst thing going, and if there's going to be another loser who still makes a name for him or herself, I think it'll be her. So what are your thoughts?

And OMG, where do I start with Point Pleasant? Let me start off by saying you need to watch this show! I hope to God it doesn't fall the same way as Tru Calling. Okay, let me start with the main attraction: the main character, a.k.a maybe the only blonde in this world who might be better looking than Tara Reid. I mean, I can't say enough, and this doesn't do her justice, but it'll have to do. A number of times in just the one hour I found myself at a loss for words, or all that would come to me were exclamations. And unlike, oh, say Hilary Duff, for whom I almost always have to endure juvenile and or femine shows/movies to see - even she wasn't enough to get me to see "A Cinderella Story" , this is actually one hell of a good show!

Quite honestly, there's a blatant rip off of Carrie going on here _except she's actually hot!_, but it's still well done. But it's a little more than that, because she doesn't have to be present for these things to happen, as I'll get to later. There was this one scene where some guy for some reason was trying to choke her to death, and what did she do? She somehow summoned a swarm of some kind of flying insect to come and molest this guy until he couldn't take it anymore and had to let go of her, and swat the bugs away. And another time, this guy who saved her life and she subsequently fell for, just happens to have a girlfriend already. And she is not happy with that at all. So this guy and this girl are riding in his car, and they stop to fill up with gas. Well, this takes place in New Jersey, and in New Jersey, it is illegal, yes _illegal_ to pump your own gas. Everywhere you go in the state, there are attendants to do it for you. So while the gas is being pumped, these two have an impromptu makeout session. Somehow from at least a few miles away, the girl not only knows this is happening, but goddammit, she's not gonna let it go on uninterrupted. Soooo, she inexplicably sticks the pump in the "on" position - the attendant is back inside talking to someone at the time-, and after awhile, gasoline starts spilling out onto the pavement. And inexplicably, the puddle of gasoline just happens to be crawling towards where some mechanic is welding a car, and sparks are flying everywhere. But of course this is primetime network TV, and you can't have arguably the #2 character die so soon, so he sees the situation that the fire is traveling down the line of gasoline, and gets out of the car, and yells for her to do the same thing. And (TV cliche alert!) the seat belt's stuck! But in a few seconds, she's out, and (cliche again!) the vehicle explodes just a second after they jump to safety! But the funny thing is, she isn't really doing this on purpose. She can't control it, can't understand it. And that's about all I got to say, after just the one episode.

So comments would be great!
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