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Old 19-01-2005, 23:22   #20
freddie freddie is offline
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Originally Posted by spyretto
I don't think they resent Bulgarians for that though - if they do...that goes a long way.

Well, ok. I did some editing on my post above to reflect my real view on the subject. You did offer yours in a way. But I really think the Macedonian Republic should call themselves Slavic Macedonia or something. And they don't want to ( why? )
I think they don't change it cause they plainly got used to it. They lived as the socialistic federal nation of Macedonia, part of former Yugoslavia for 50 years, whole generations grew up with knowing only that name (stolen or not) and at this point they are an internationaly recognized nation, also a part of the UN. So as far as law is concerned the name belongs to them now. As far as historical implcations go... well, that's a tough one of course. It's a very delicate subject. I think it was indeed originaly a Greek name, but special circumstances led to things like they are now. I don't think "Slavic Macedonia" would be a way to go either. They have a huge Albanian ethnicity in the country and they would surely protest at the country being called "Slavic".

Originally Posted by spyretto
About the Romanians, well you're right. Their language is great, they speak a real romanised language but if they're so mixed up, I could argue they also have some Slavic blood as well.
Maybe someone who does Balkan Studies can shed more light on the subject.
Oh, for sure. Most people in the region have SOME slavic blood. It's just not predominant and their culture is generaly not slavic. But even the langauge itself shows a lot of slavic influence, from centuries of being surrounded by them as well as the Soviet Union era, when most people probably at least understood Russian.
IMO they're a left over of an ancient tribes (of which only Romanians and Albanians are left) that lived in the region before the slavics came and who were later romanized.

About Romanians hating slavics... I heard they hate Hungarians even that much more.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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