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Old 12-12-2004, 13:05   #60
Mossopp Mossopp is offline
a kind of fresh madness
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Originally Posted by sunwalk
tatysite helped a lot of teenagers to build themselves as grown up persons....
if , to help them , we just have now threads about: Does Yulia has true or faulse hair?...may be it isn't enough....
I'm not against this kind of thread at all....not what I say ...but I'm enough sad it became the "predominent" kind of subject....
You know what? I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head.
I know I for one found these forums an amazing source of knowledge and support during the phase where I was gradually coming out to everyone and, although I wasn't a teenager at that point, I certainly did a lot of growing up.
I'm not saying that I no longer need the advice and friendship of the people I've met here, but you do get to a point where the reason you stick with something is because you've already been with it for so long rather than you actually strongly rely on it anymore.
Also, a lot of people flocked to tatysite in the beginning because tATu were actually relevant and people could relate to them. We had new members joining all the time even if they didn't necessarily stick around or post more than once or twice. Now we hardly get anyone new coming here because tATu are no longer important. Hell, most people think they don't even exist as a band anymore! It's no wonder noone new joins and a lot of the old members are leaving.
Do they even cure you...
or is it just to humour us before we die?